DPAS SCR: 00930

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    MU to PA Requirement
  • DPAS Module
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • Description
    Description: Currently when an asset or inventory is deemedUn-repairable or Repairs Exceeds Economical Threshold on a WO in M&U, thereis no notification on the PA or WM side for possible Disposition or ConditionCode change. Recommend: Once WO is Closed and WO State Cd is REET or UNRP, theCondition Cd should be prompted for change in M&U and a Pending Transactionreflected in PA or WM Open Actions. Update any SORTS/DRRS as well. Mission Critical: This ismission critical to ensure only mission capable assets are available andissued. Benefits: Improves accountability of assets by identifying those with reduced capabilities requiring some sort of Disposition.