DPAS SCR: 01126

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Associate Receipt Documents to Serialized Inventory
  • DPAS Module
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • History
  • Description

    Today, the warehouse module provides for associating purchase documents with the Document Nbr within the Document Register.  This register will be deleted not later than 10 years due to the reuse of the Document Nbr.  Typically DoD requires this register to be maintained by the organization for the current year plus the previous 2 years.  When the delete occurs, all supporting purchase documents will be lost.  There is also not a good way to find the receipt document nbr for the serialized equipment that is in inventory (what the Existence and Completeness (E&C) auditors view to be able to query the Document Register to locate the purchase documents assuming they have not been removed.  For E&C, the organization must be able to provide supporting documentation to the auditor for equipment as well as OM&S purchases (support the Purchase Price entered).  With the DPAS Warehouse module supporting the tracking of more equipment (kept much longer) than OM&S today, there is a need for a better way to associate the purchase documents to the asset and for the life of the asset when it is a serialized asset.

    Provide a permanent link to the receipt document and to the materiel received when the materiel is serialized.  There are a number of options that this can be accomplished. One of those options might be to create a 'unique identifier' for the receiving documents and associate the "unique identifier" the Document Register Document Nbr and to the Inventory Control Nbr records representing the materiel receipts. As long as the Document Nbr or the ICN exists, the Receipt attachments would not be removed. Provide an Inventory inquiry that would permit the display of the Receipt attachments.  For organizations using the Materiel Management module, the purchase documents may actually reside within the Requisitioning process.  The overall design should provide for the system to view the purchase/receipt documentation for a serialized asset regardless of where it is create/held and viewable from within the Warehouse and Materiel Management modules.  As capital assets begin to be accounted for within the Materiel Management / Warehouse modules, the need for this capability with become a necessity for FIAR compliance.  

    Mission Critical:
    Required for E&C by the organization.  While the organization could retain hard copy using a manual file system this is time consuming and is not as easy to support an audit as having the documents directly associated with the equipment within the automated tracking system.  This SCR has been advocated by SPECWAR on behalf of all users of the that are managing equipment within the Warehouse Module.

    This capability will improve financial compliance and improve the organization's auditability.

    Yes, this capability will benefit all users of the Warehouse Module.