DPAS SCR: 01244

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Modify DLMS Transaction to support the Product/Service ID Qualifier of "ZZ"
  • DPAS Module
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • History
    Submitted: 12/27/2017
  • Description

    DPAS is not current compliant with DLMS ADC 295 that was issued on Aug 06, 2008.  DLMS ADC 295 requests all systems that support DLMS transactions to accept a Product/Service ID Qualifier of "ZZ" - Mutually Defined. 

    Modify the applicable DLMS transaction processes to accept a Product/Service ID Qualifier of "ZZ".  When a DLMS transaction contains a "ZZ" qualifier, take the Product/Service ID associated with it and check the DPAS Catalog for that value.  The internal business logic would be the same as for Product/Service ID Qualifiers of FS - National Stock Nbr and SW - Stock Number.  Retain the Product/Service ID Qualifier as part of the transaction that is captured in DAPS, and use the Product/Service ID Qualifier of "ZZ" to report back to the submitter where applicable rather than the Product/Service ID Qualifier applicable to the DPAS Catalog record.

    Mission Critical
    Failure to recognize the "ZZ" Product/Service ID Qualifier could result in DLMS transactions being rejected / failed when they shouldn't be / DLMS ADC 295

    Insures DPAS is DLMS compliant, ensure DPAS does not fail or reject a valid transaction.

    This change would impact any user who has an external DLMS feed from an external ICP or an external Remote Storage Activity (Warehouse).