DPAS SCR: 01668

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Reason Code MILSTRIP Code Change
  • DPAS Module
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • History
    Submitted: 2/26/2021
  • Description

    Currently, during the individual return process all MILSTRIP transactions created for lost gear is a D7A. This MILSTRIP Transaction does not meet Marine Corps Standards for audit. The concern is that a D7A is an issue transaction instead of a loss transaction, which is what the Marine Corps needs to see during audit inspections. The attached spreadsheet is the preferred MILSTRIP transactions the Marine Corps would prefer to see be created when an individual doesn't return gear. This would make the non-returned items audit compliant.

    Change the non-returned items reason codes MILSTRIP transactions to match the values in the attached spreadsheet. 

    Mission Critical
    Yes, this would ensure that a MVGL would be generated for the correct non returned reason codes when that SCR is put into production.  These transactions on the MVGL would ensure the commander would correctly identify losses when vouchering the MVGL.  This would make them more accurate and meet audit standards.

    This SCR improves accuracy, accountability and audit readiness/financial reporting.   USMC audit keys in on correctly identifying losses, and the causes of those losses.   Being able to quickly identify losses due to non-return of previously issued assets, would be a significant improvement to the audit process. 

    This will affect all users in CSP and should be a net benefit to other services and organizations that issue equipment as well.