DPAS SCR: 01706

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    ICP Catalog Roles
  • DPAS Module
    Materiel Management
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • History
  • Description
    With DPAS Release 2021.2, the ICP/Material Management Module gained the ability to perform cataloging functions across most of the existing ICP User Roles. This gives anyone with those roles the ability to change the catalog which impacts users across the SOCOM Enterprise. The new catalog capability in the ICP will negatively impact USSOCOM ability to maintain a cataloging standard across the SOCOM Enterprise.
    Update all of the current ICP Roles to remove Catalog Menu/Functions. Change those roles to read-only access to the Catalog.  Add a New Cataloger Role with full access to the Catalog Stock Number, MFR Part Nbr, and LIN/TAMCN screens/menus.
    Mission Critical:
    Mission Critical - Without this new Cataloger Role, USSOCOM will not be able to enforce a catalog standard across the command. This will result in the same asset(s) getting cataloged in ways that will not stand up to audit scrutiny.
    benefit is control of the catalog which will results in auditability. This also sets the catalog to a standard which allows DPAS system users to get to the new Enterprise Standard that will be leveraged as a result of DPAS TECH Refresh
    This will impact all users within the USSOCOM since they are all users/consumers of our Catalog.

    Completed – Release 2021.2.2 – 2 July 2021