DPAS SCR: 01758

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Manufacturer Part Nbr on Stock Number AUD, and MPN Tech Refresh
  • DPAS Module
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • History
    Submitted: 04 February 2022
  • Description
    When DPAS Stock Numbers that are type B-Part Number are used in DLMS transactions,the CAGE and Manufacturer Part Number are required in the DLMS transaction. Currently, multiple manufacturer records are allowed to be associated to these stock numbers, making the DLMS transactions unable to discern the correct manufacturer record to apply to the transaction. In addition, the manufacturer part number AUD screens will be upgraded as part of the DPAS tech refresh effort. The proposed improvements include these: 1) add the necessary manufacturer fields to the stock number add/update screens when stock number is type B-Part Nbr 2) enforce a 1:1 association between stock number and manufacturer part number records when the stock number is a type B-part number 3) Update existing data records that are currently type B-Part Number with > 1 associated manufacturer to type J-MCN as local stock numbers (with approval from affected users) and clean up manufacturer data that will not fit into the 1:1 association, or assign stock numbers and assets to one associated manufacturer 4) Add manufacturer search fields to the Internal Stock Number browse so users may search for a stock number by the associated manufacturer data
    1) add the necessary manufacturer fields to the stock number add/update screens when stock number is type B-Part Nbr 2) enforce a 1:1 association between stock number and manufacturer part number records when the stock number is a type B-part number 3) Update existing data records that are currently type B-Part Number with > 1 associated manufacturer to type J-MCN as local stock numbers (with approval from affected users) and clean up manufacturer data that will not fit into the 1:1 association, or assign stock numbers and assets to one associated manufacturer 4) Add manufacturer search fields to the Internal Stock Number browse so users may search for a stock number by the associated manufacturer data 5) This SCR does not cover the DLMS integration /changes. Refer to the DLMS Part Nbr Integration SCR for details of that effort.
    Mission Critical:
    Mission Critical. DLMS transactions must be able to send the correct manufacturer data for type B-part number stock numbers. In addition, the manufacturer AUD capability is an essential component of the DPAS application.
    Improves capability of DLMS transactions for stock numbers that are type B-Part Numbers; Reduces time by having manufacturer data entered during stock number add/edit process; streamlines the manufacturer AUD process by having a single manufacturer service for the application.
    This effort streamlines the cataloging of a Part Nbr Stock Nbr and provides a means to support DLMS transactions that are for Part Nbr Stock Nbrs.

    Partially Completed – Release 2022.2 – 26 August 2022

    Completed – Release 2022.3 – 04 November 2022