DPAS SCR: 01850

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Add SubWO Fields to WO Search Results Grid
  • DPAS Module
  • Reporting Organization
    USAF: AvSE
  • State
  • History
    Submitted 11/25/2022
  • Description
    Change Request: Process Improvement
    Problem: Currently when users search Work Orders, the results that populate do not give specific enough information on what the Work Order is for.
    Proposed Improvement: Addition of Sub-Work Order specific columns to Work Order search results grid.  
    Add an additional option to display Sub-Work Orders for each Basic-Work Order. Include fields that display Requested Service and Work Order Description.
    Mission Critical:
    (Not Provided)
    The addition of these fields will save users time and aggravation, as when they are searching for a specific Work Order they are searching for the narrative of the work to be accomplished (i.e., 6 Month Inspection). The average user will not know the Work Order Reason, Work Order State Code, or Work Plan Type Code. Therefore, if there are several open Work Orders on a single asset (a common occurrence), users will have to click on all the search results until they find the specific Work Order they are looking for, this proposed improvement will solve that issue.
    Frequency: Hourly
    This function will be used by all AvSE users in DPAS M&U thousands of times a day.