DPAS SCR: 01979

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Labor Report
  • DPAS Module
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • History
    Submitted 12/12/2023
  • Description
    Change Request: Process Improvement

    Problem: There is no way to pull a Labor Report.
    There are times when a Production Supervisor or likeness will need to pull a labor report for a specific period of time. There is no good way to do this currently in the system. The only way to do it now is to pull labor over a large period of time and then find the specific date within all of the data.
    1. Create a Labor Report that can be pulled from Forms-Reports.
    2. Fillable Fields will include: Last transaction Dt/Time From & Last transaction Dt/Time To, Maintenance Activity which will be defaulted to the MA currently in, Equipment Pool defaulted to preferences if set-up and able to add multiple Equipment Pools, Labor Technician Drop-down able to add multiple, Maintenance Team able to add multiple.
    3. Fields that the report will pull automatically: Maintenance Activity, Maintenance Team, Equipment Pool, Asset ID, Secondary Serial Number, Labor Technician, Actual labor Hours, Labor Category, Rate Type, Work Order Description, Requested Service, Service Performed, Last Transaction Date/Time, Work Order Status.
    Mission Critical: 
    Per T.O. 00-20-2 Paragraph, maintenance man-hours are used to determine repair times and cost to operate systems. Man-hours in maintenance data documentation systems are taken into consideration when determining manpower requirements.
    Adding a labor report to DPAS M&U would provide supervisors with a valuable tool to monitor daily time allocation, ensuring that work hours are efficiently utilized. This enhancement would also offer a more precise insight into the allocation of time for each work order, enhancing overall fleet management and resource planning.
    Frequency:  Daily
    This improvement will be used by all users,  hundreds of times a day.