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DPAS Government Furnished Property (GFP)

In this webinar, we will go through a GFP Loan setup demonstrating how to assign assets as GFP, Contractor Receipt within PIEE GFP, and returning GFP through the GFP process.


DPAS Disposal Release Order Webinar

In this webinar, we will cover the main concepts of Disposal Release Orders. You will understand how Materiel Management and Warehouse Management work together, why to choose DRO over Disposition, how to use MRO as a companion process, and DLMS info / Intransit Review options.


Using QR Codes for Individual Issue

In this webinar, we will demonstrate the proper utilization of a mobile device within the Quick List process. We will show you how to scan assets and create QR codes, and how to generate a QR code for use with Master Issue Lists (MILs).


Sets, Kits, and Outfits (SKO) Process

Watch as the training team takes you through the Sets, Kits, and Outfits (SKO) process in the Warehouse Management module. We cover SKO Characteristics, the SKO catalog, the main catalog grid and columns, and the complete process from start to finish.


Generate Inventory for a Single or Multiple Custodians

Follow along as one of our Technical Trainers generates an inventory for Single and Multiple Custodians in the Property Accountability module.


Asset Transfer UIC to UIC

Follow along as one of our Technical Trainers demonstrates the Asset Management Transfer process between UIC to UIC in the Property Accountability module.


Transferring Assets between PA and WM Webinar

Join us as one of our Technical Trainers covers important information and demonstrates the transferring of assets between the Property Accountability module and the Warehouse Management module.

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Warehouse Management Disposition Webinar

Learn all about DPAS Dispositions in the Warehouse Management module as our technical trainer discusses the different types of dispositions, various ways to select assets, and the process flow from beginning to end.

DPAS eLearning System Webinar/Tutorial

Learn how to navigate the DPAS eLearning System, and review the features to get your role certified.

DPAS Help System Webinar/Tutorial

Learn how to navigate to the DPAS Help System, and review all the features from within.

Materiel Movement With SKO Assemble

Learn the main concepts along with how to setup and to perform a Materiel Movement with SKO Assemble.

How to setup a Physical Inventory for Inventory Specialists

Learn how to assign and setup personnel (especially users with the Physical Inventory Specialist role) to perform Inventory counts in the Warehouse Management module.

Physical Inventory Specialist - Count Inventory

Learn how to perform the Physical Inventory - Count Inventory process in the Warehouse Management module as a user with ONLY the Physical Inventory Specialist role assigned.

Materiel Management Customer Requisition

Watch as we demonstrate a Customer Requisition between the Warehouse Management Module and the Materiel Management/ICP Module.

Catalog and MAM Receiving Webinar

Journey with us as we demonstrate new Catalog and MAM process functions in the Maintenance & Utilization module.

  • Maintaining the Catalog in M&U
    • Stock Number – provides the ability to add, update, or delete a stock number record in the catalog
    • Manufacturer Part Number – provides the ability to add, update, or delete manufacturers information associated with a stock number in the catalog
  • Maintenance Asset Master Receiving
    • Provides the ability to receive assets directly into the M&U property account
    • Establishes Asset identifying information, Acquisition and Receiving dates and cost

PA Legacy New Screens

Watch as we demonstrate the differences between the Property Accountability Legacy Screens and the Tech Refresh Layout.

Materiel Movement Webinar

Join us for this half-hour pre-recorded webinar as we cover the Materiel Movement Process within the Warehouse Management module. We will discuss the purpose of this process and demonstrate the functionality within DPAS.

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pRFID Inventory - Receiving and How pRFID is Assigned

Watch as we demonstrate the use of Passive Radio Frequency Identification (pRFID) in the Property Accountability module Inventory Process - Receiving and How pRFID is Assigned.

pRFID Inventory - Label Printing

Watch as we demonstrate the use of Passive Radio Frequency Identification (pRFID) in the Property Accountability module Inventory Process - Label Printing.

pRFID Inventory - Scheduling the Inventory

Watch as we demonstrate the use of Passive Radio Frequency Identification (pRFID) in the Property Accountability module Inventory Process - Scheduling the Inventory.

pRFID Inventory - Devices to Use

Watch as we demonstrate the use of Passive Radio Frequency Identification (pRFID) in the Property Accountability module Inventory Process - Devices to Use.

pRFID Inventory - Conducting the Inventory

Watch as we demonstrate the use of Passive Radio Frequency Identification (pRFID) in the Property Accountability module Inventory Process - Conducting the Inventory.

pRFID Inventory - Reconciling the Inventory

Watch as we demonstrate the use of Passive Radio Frequency Identification (pRFID) in the Property Accountability module Inventory Process - Reconciling the Inventory.

PA Physical Inventory AIT

In this video we cover the Physical Inventory process performed within the Property Accountability module. Watch as we generate an Inventory and export the AIT file to excel for loading to the scanner. You will see the count process and how the data is then exported/imported back into DPAS.

WM Physical Inventory AIT

In this video we cover the Physical Inventory process performed within the Warehouse Management module. Watch as we create an Inventory, assign it to a cost center and personnel, then finally export the AIT file for offline counting. You will see the count process and how the data is then exported/imported back into DPAS.

Welcome to DPAS Property Accountability Module

Tune in to learn more about the DPAS Property Accountability Module. This module provides a means to track the lifecycle of an asset from receipt to disposition. Watch this video to obtain a high level overview introduction into the PA application.

Welcome to DPAS Force Systems Management Module

Tune in to learn more about the DPAS Force Systems Management Module. This module complements the Property Accountability module and provides the capability to create & customize equipment authorizations for PA UICs at an enterprise level. Watch this video to obtain a high level overview introduction into the FSM application.

Welcome to DPAS Maintenance and Utilization Module

Tune in to learn more about the DPAS Maintenance and Utilization Module. This module complements the Property Accountability and Warehouse Management modules. From automating routine tasks to extending the life of an asset, the M&U module provides the tools necessary to track work, equipment usage and mitigate cost and also reports to FAST. Watch this video to obtain a high level overview introduction into the M&U application.

Welcome to DPAS Materiel Management / ICP Module

Tune in to learn more about the DPAS Materiel Management Module. This module provides an Inventory Control System that manages warehouse inventories, routes and processes materiel and customer requisitions, maintains and enforces contracts for item managers, automates OM&S accounting and reporting, and provides in-transit tracking. Watch this video to obtain a high level overview introduction into the MM application.

Welcome to DPAS Warehouse Management Module

Tune in to learn more about the DPAS Warehouse Management Module. This module provides numerous logistical operations including – asset lifecycle, individual & unit issuing, inventory replenishment, material movements, physical inventories, etc. Watch this video to obtain a high level overview introduction into the WM application.

Maintenance & Utilization Tech Refresh Webinar

In this webinar we cover the Tech Refresh of the Maintenance & Utilization module. In this on screen demonstration, we cover the interface design differences between the old module layout and the new.

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Maintenance Schedule Webinar

Maintenance Scheduler webinar includes the new functionality for scheduling preventive maintenance. New look for DPAS / New role for Maintenance Schedule Officer, Create/edit a work plan and the details, Centralizing work plans, Creating a maintenance schedule at a centralized level, then linking assets to a maintenance schedule.

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Master Data Webinar

In this Webinar we cover Master Data in the M&U module. Learn the basics of the M&U Module including; Roles, Bridging (PA) Module with M&U Module, and Many Master Data Processes. These include; Address, Contractor, Contract, Cert/License, Operator/Technician, Maintenance Teams, Equipment Pool, Dispatch Category, Dispatch, User Preferences and Maintenance Activity.

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Dispatching Webinar

Join us for an hour long session as we cover Dispatching in the Maintenance & Utilization module. We will go over everything from roles, profiling assets, opening and closing a Dispatch, and even the Dispatch Journal Inquiry.

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Profile MU Assets

Join us as we demonstrate M&U Asset Profiling. When you profile an asset you are setting the stage for tracking the asset’s location, utilization, certification and licensing requirements, fuel type, vehicle characteristics and more important details.

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Asset Updates Webinar

Please join us for our next Property Accountability Webinar – Asset Update. In this Webinar we’ll go over the purpose and definition of the available Updates. Our live demonstration we’ll cover in detail the different types of Asset Updates available to use including: Basic, Mass, Price, Loans and Stock Numbers. We will also be covering how to add and delete attachments to 1 or more assets.

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Fleet Management and FAST Reporting

In this Webinar we cover the proper way to set up vehicles both Leased and Owned into DPAS for FAST Reporting.

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Asset Receiving Webinar

Join us as we explore the Property Accountability Asset Receiving process. During this webinar you will learn the difference between New Transfers and the different types of correctional receipts. We will also cover the creation of Local Due-Ins and processing In on Loans from outside of DPAS. Finally, we will take an in depth look at the mass upload process utilizing the Mass Upload Template.

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Parts Management Webinar

In this Webinar we cover the Parts Management capabilities in DPAS. We demonstrate requesting the parts from the Maintenance & Utilization module, and how to Issue the parts out from the Warehouse Management module.

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M&U for Warehouse

In this Webinar we cover the integration of the Warehouse Management (WM) module with the Maintenance and Utilization (M&U) module. The concepts to be covered will include: how equipment moves from the WM module to the M&U module, Work Plans, Work Plan Details, Inbound Errors, Quality Control and Work Orders. A live demonstration of how to process equipment from the WM module through the M&U module will be presented.

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WM to M&U Association Settings RefDoc
WM to M&U Process Flow RefDoc

Work Order Webinar

In this Webinar we cover Work Order in the M&U Module. Learn the basics of the M&U Module including; Roles, Bridging Property Accountability (PA) Module with M&U Module, Master Data Processes necessary for Work Orders, and many other Work Order Processes. These include; Work Plans, Work Plan Detail, Profiling an Asset using Maintenance Asset Master, Scheduling Preventative Maintenance, and Work Orders.

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Process Flow

Utilization Webinar

In this Webinar we cover Utilization in the M&U Module. Learn the basics of the M&U Module including; Process Flow, Setting Utilization Preferences, and various Recording Utilization Methods (while profiling the asset, while closing a work order, during Dispatch Issue and Return, and single/multiple/update/delete recording of utilization).

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Physical Inventory Webinar

For this instruction, we will demonstrate, from start to finish, the manual Physical Inventory process – which includes: - Initiate - Conduct - Print Inventory Report - Download/Upload Excel content - Reconcile - Print Reconciliation Report - Showcase reconciliation data updates. We will also have a short video presentation on the mobile app functionality and the Inventory Resolution Process.

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WM Inquiries - Forms & Reports Webinar

Join us for our next Warehouse Management Webinar where we will discuss DPAS Forms & Reports and Inquiries available to your use. For both options we will discuss the most common DPAS defined, Agency Defined and User generated options.

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Individual Issue & Return Webinar

Join with us, and see the process of issuing assets to an individual. The technical trainer will demonstrate several ways in which the issue process can be performed and will also cover how to account for the assets upon their return to the warehouse.

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Unit Issue & Return Webinar

Dive into the Unit Issue & Return processes, as our Technical Trainer explains these processes with a full demonstration on Adding Requests, Updating Requests, Issuing Materiel, and Returning Materiel back into the Warehouse.

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Repair Parts Webinar

Join us for a demonstration on the Warehouse Management Repair Parts process. This will showcase the Stock Number, Stock Item, Inspection Type/Action, and Repair Parts Catalog processes correlating how they all work within your warehouse operation.

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Mass Receiving Serial Assets Webinar

From start to finish, learn how to receive a large quantity purchase order of serialized items into your DPAS Warehouse utilizing the NEW Mass Receiving Upload Template process. The live webinar will also include helpful process tips and information.

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SKO Streamline Webinar

In this Webinar we cover how to streamline the Sets, Kits, and Outfits process by skipping the Pick process.

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Receiving and Quality Control Webinar

In this Webinar we cover the Receiving and Quality Control Process in DPAS. We demonstrate how to create a Due-In record or how to directly Receive the assets an send them to Quality Control for processing.

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Parts Management Webinar

In this Webinar we cover the Parts Management capabilities in DPAS. We demonstrate requesting the parts from the Maintenance & Utilization module, and how to Issue the parts out from the Warehouse Management module.

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Warehouse Management Overview Webinar

In this Webinar we cover the Warehouse Management module.

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Warehouse Structure
Warehouse Structure Worksheet

CIP Project Planning

In this webinar we’ll provide an overview of what Project Planning can do for you. The Project Planning process gives organizations the ability to build project plans before the CIP process begins. This tool is meant as a means of building and gathering the data before going to CIP, it is designed to aid in the decision-making process by tracking all aspects of a project such as projected financial requirements and individuals involved in the entire process.

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Enterprise Catalog

Take an in-depth look at the DPAS Enterprise Catalog, our Technical Trainer will lead you through creating a Stock Number and adding Manufacturer info. We will also demonstrate updating Stock Numbers in mass and how to process a pending transaction.

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Asset Disposition

Join us for an hour long webinar as we discuss the different Asset Disposition methods available within the Property Accountability module. We will review the different Address Types, process Turn-Ins, perform a Transfer outside of DPAS, and Reversals.

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Asset Transfer

Join us as we move assets internally & externally through the transfer & disposition processes. We will focus on understanding the different types of transfers, the required approvals, identifying the status of a transfer and the new PA DAAS interface.

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Internal Use Software (IUS)

In this Webinar we cover the DPAS Internal Use Software capabilities in the Property Accountability (PA) module. The concepts covered includes: Overview of DoDi 5000.76, a demonstration of IUS related processes (including Stock Number, Manufacturer, and Asset Receiving), as well as a future look into DPAS and IUS.

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Asset Attributes

In this Webinar we overview Attributes in the DPAS system. Watch live examples of Adding Asset Attributes, Updating Attributes, how to run an Attribute Inquiry, Asset Detail Viewer and Asset Id Browse.

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DPAS Release 5.0.00 Webinar

In this Webinar we cover the changes to the DPAS application in Release 5.0.00. Changes consist of ICP module added features, WM-Inventory Update, WM-Warehouse Issue, WM-Container, WM-UIC/UIC Custodian/Unit Issue, WM-Materiel Release Order, and PA-Real Property.

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DPAS Release 4.1.00 Webinar

In this Webinar we cover the changes to the DPAS application in Release 4.1.00. Changes consist of Quality Control / Inspection, and Date of Installation (DOI) processes added to the Warehouse Management module. Watch our analyst overview the Inspection/Action Catalog, Stock Number Catalog, Receiving, Inventory Update Manager, QC/Inspection, and Service life.

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DPAS Release 3.2.00 Webinar

In this Webinar we cover the changes to the DPAS application in Release 3.2.00. Changes consist of Dispatch Rate, MAM Mass Update for Fuel, addition of Labor Categories, Kilometers added to Utilization, Parts Management Process, New Module called ICP (Inventory Control Point), Maintenance Issue, SKO Assemble Streamline process and much more.

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DPAS Release 2.3.01 to 2.6.10 Webinar

In this Webinar we cover the changes to the DPAS application in Releases 2.3.01 through 2.6.10. Changes consist of FEDLOG Query Access, Catalog Clean Up Process, EBAS Accounting Interface, MY Actions Alerting System, IT Software License Management Process, the addition of Warehouse Management Module, support for Motorola MC9190 Scanner, Federal AutomotiveStatistical Tool, and much more.

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DPAS Release 2.3 Webinar

In this Webinar we cover the changes to the DPAS application in Release 2.3. Changes consist of Template/Attribute Functionality, Authorization Updates, UIT Reports to support Substitution, PA Updates and M&U Statistics.

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PA Inquiries - Forms & Reports Webinar

Join us for our next Property Accountability Webinar where we will discuss DPAS Forms & Reports and Inquiries available to your use. For both options we will discuss the most common DPAS defined, Agency Defined and User generated options.

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In this Webinar we cover the basics of Inquiries. We'll discuss the purpose of them, and overview Agency Pre-Defined Inquiries, as well as User Initiated Inquiries. Walk through a live demonstration of the Inquiry Process and how to save Inquiries.

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DPAS Implementation and Conversion

In this Webinar we cover the proper procedures for Site Implementation and Data conversions.

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Access to DPAS

In this Webinar we cover the changes to the DPAS application in Release 2.3. Changes consist of Template/Attribute Functionality, Authorization Updates, UIT Reports to support Substitution, PA Updates and M&U Statistics.

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DAI Interface

In this Webinar we cover New Functionality from Release 2.1, Cost Center. We'll show you how to Add/Update/Delete Cost Centers in Master Data, as well as Inquiries of Cost Centers. We also show you Defense Agency Initiative (DAI) with Asset Receiving, Asset Update and Asset Transfer.

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Loans and GFP via WAWF

In this Webinar we introduce you to Government Furnished Equipment (GFE), DoD to Contractor - GFP Transfer Scenario, Associating a WAWF User Id, Verifying Transfer via WAWF, GFP Loan Setup in DPAS, Assigning Assets as GFP and Returning GFP via WAWF.

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In this Webinar we overview WAWF and DPAS by discussing what WAWF is and how it interfaces with DPAS, Initiation and Acceptance, different processes, setup, "AS" process flow, "TS" process flow, Pending Statuses and Exclusions. We will also demonstrate in DPAS how to Reject an "AS" Transaction, as well as processing both "AS" and "TS" transactions.

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Transfers and WAWF

In this Webinar we introduce you to Government Furnished Equipment (GFE), DoD to Contractor - GFP Transfer Scenario, Associating a WAWF User Id, Verifying Transfer via WAWF, GFP Loan Setup in DPAS, Assigning Assets as GFP and Returning GFP via WAWF.

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Physical Inventory Webinar

Join us for our next Property Accountability Webinar where we will discuss the DPAS Inventory Process. As part of our presentation we will cover the different stages of an Inventory by showcasing the Inventory and AIT options. Our live demonstration will go over: - Manual Inventories - Printing Reports - Reconciling the Inventory - Closing and Printing the Reconciliation Report. As mentioned during the webinar, please view the Physical Inventory Offline App Demo.

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Custom Inventories Webinar

In this Webinar we cover the purpose of Custom Inventories including, Scenario, Request a Custom Inventory, Alternate Search Criteria, Filtering and Selecting from Search Results, Number to Display, Custom Update Selections, Custom Inquiries and Wild Card Searches.

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Inventory Reconciliation Webinar

In this Webinar we go over the Anatomy of a Reconciliation Report, consisting of Part I - Summary, Part II-VII - Detail Pages, and the last page being the Signature Block. We will also walk through how to Manage Inventories, Reconcile Inventory Data, Generate Reconciliation Reports, overview of Reports Manager and Updates.

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Requisition Webinar

Join us for a pre-recorded webinar covering the Materiel Management Requisition process. In this session we cover Data Prerequisites, the Requisition Process flow with an on screen demonstration.

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DPAS Help Webinar

In this Webinar we cover the Help function within DPAS. We'll go over the Help Tools; Table of Contents, Index, Search, Favorites, Glossary, and Resource Center. We show you how to utilize these tools when stuck in the DPAS application, so you can self remedy before calling the Help Desk.

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