DPAS SCR: 01989
- SCR Number
- Title
Asset Status Code
- DPAS Module
- Reporting Organization
- State
- History
- Description
Change Request: Process Improvement
Description:When updating the Loan Code from 'G' to 'C', the Asset Status Code automatically reverts from 'T' to 'O'. GFP assets have an Asset Status Code of 'T' - Out on Loan. If the loaning address is WAWF enabled or if it contain a DoDAAC within DPAS, it always updates the Asset Status Cd to 'O' - Outbound in Transit.Recommended:Recommend the Asset Status Code automatic update function to change for GFP.Mission Critical:Benefits:This action will allow for a more efficient work flow and minimize the redundancy in correcting the Asset Status Code of all GFP asset updates.Frequency: DailyUsers:DPAS wide