DPAS SCR: 02014

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Custodian Profiles
  • DPAS Module
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • History
    Submitted 04/04/2024
  • Description
    Change Request: Process Improvement

    When conducting Unit Issues, the user has to initially create a Custodian profile for the member receiving the gear. It is a requirement to assign him to a reportable commodity vice having him be the Responsible Officer (RO) for ALL Reportable or Secure commodities OR the entire platoon/unit/command. NECC requires the RO to sign for a variety of gear, not just one specific Reportable Commodity. If a member wants to view what is issued to them via Member Site, or through Unit Issue Activity they will need numerous Custodian profiles built within DPAS WH to have visibility of the issued gear. In addition, we've come across the issue where members that want to create Unit transfers cannot do so being that the old RO's are only assigned to one Reportable Commodity, it doesn't pull the inventory list for the entire UIC. Proposed improvement would be to still have the capability to assign them to a specific Reportable Commodity as an Optional field when creating a Custodian OR being able to select ALL commodity types, OR adding a field that allows the issuing member to be able to assign that Custodian as the Responsible Officer for the entire UIC's gear. As well as altering the Unit Transfer function to be able to transfer all gear from the UIC without the Reportable Commodity restriction when applicable.
    Adding the capability to be able to create a Custodian without the Reportable Commodity requirement, and having them be the Custodian for either ALL reportable commodity types OR being able to take custody of all the gear without the need for a Reportable commodity type. Possibly making the Reportable Commodity be an Optional field, allowing the member to be the custodian for all the gear, this would also apply to the Unit Transfer function, not limiting what needs to be transferred because of the reportable commodity if the Custodian has been assigned responsible for the entire UIC.
    Mission Critical:
    NECCINST 5200.45
    This will give the issued members additional visibility for the gear issued to them. It also makes the unit issue process smoother by having one Custodian for all commodity types OR the entire UIC, vice having to create 20 different Custodian profiles for the different Reportable Commodities he'll be receiving gear from. Turnover from Custodian to Custodian will also be more efficient, without the limitations the Reportable Commodities have placed on the Unit Transfer functionality.
    Frequency: Daily

    Every unit currently using the unit issue feature has had difficulty issuing to a user because of the reportable commodity requirement, having to create a variety of custodian profiles for the same user receiving the gear.