DPAS SCR: 02005

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Backorder Inquiry
  • DPAS Module
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • History
    Submitted 04/08/2024
  • Description
    Change Request: Process Improvement

    Currently to find out what a member has on Backorder is a very time consuming process.  You have to go back into the members issue to see the item that is backorder when you have over 800 backorder's this could become a full time job.  
    Recommend either the item that is on backorder be visible in the backorder details tab along with the members email and phone number or a backorder inquiry be built with the following columns:
    Issue Nbr
    members name
    member email
    members phone number
    backorder Items (Nomenclature and Qty)
    Backorder established date
    Also within the Backorder Inquiry page, there needs to be functionality to "Delete" existing Backorders that are no longer needed or are created in error.
    Mission Critical:
    Yes, Because of the amount of time it is taking to look up all these members, members are not getting the items in a timely fashion and it is taking the clerks time that they could be doing other functions.
    Having this capability will hep get members backorder's in the possession allot quicker and will free up time for warehouse workers to perform other duties.
    Frequency: Daily
    All IIF & UIF