DPAS SCR: 02030

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Autofill DD1150 TIN
  • DPAS Module
    PA,Warehouse,Materiel Management
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • History
    Submitted 05/14/2024
  • Description
    Change Request: Process Improvement

    Process Improvement:  When we use the DD Form 1150 in DPAS for equipment that is being turned in to the CCAD PBO warehouse that eventually will be turned into DRMS in San Antonio. The material handler has to initiate a DD Form 1348-1 for turn-in that needs the assets part number,Manufactures name and the model number to complete the required documentation.  (All fields)
    Request that when we go into DPAS to initiate a DD Form 1150 Turn In - that DPAS automatically populates the model number, Manufactures name, and the Model number before printing. (All required fields)
    Mission Critical:
    The information mentioned in the recommendation is needed to meet all required information to correctly turn-in serviceable property and support property auditability and accountability.  
    Auto-Fill DD Form 1150 TIN (Populate data from the system to the printable form).  
    Manually going into DPAS to pull the required information and add it to the DD 1150 is time consuming/implementation will improve the accuracy and accountability of the information on the DD Form 1150 and satisfy audit requirements.    
    Frequency: Daily
    This affects all the CCAD Property Book Office employees.  This will support all PBO/APO/Custodians within DPAS to automate an auto-fill capability to these forms, reduce manual workload and improve property accountability that satisfies audit requirements.