DPAS SCR: 02034

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    DLMS Transaction Reviewer
  • DPAS Module
    PA,MU,Warehouse,Materiel Management,FSM,Registry (SA/LW)
  • Reporting Organization
    DLA/ Leidos
  • State
  • History
    Submitted 05/28/2024
  • Description
    Change Request: Process Improvement

    This SCR documents a requirement to implement a single DLMS Transaction Review process that will be available to all modules of DPAS. Currently in the DPAS application, DLMS inbound/outbound review is separate and only available for the MM, RG and WH modules. The creation of the DLMS service consolidates DLMS transactions which enables a common DLMS viewer in lieu of having a DLMS transaction viewer / module.
    As DPAS modernizes it technical platform, a DLMS micro-service was identified as having value to the DPAS program. The new DLMS micro-service will support the processing of DLMS transactions for all DPAS modules. By consolidating DLMS transaction processing, it facilitates DPAS having a single DLMS Transaction Review process.
    Mission Critical:
    Reduces maintenance by eliminating multiple DLMS Transaction Review processes that currently reside within each module.
    Frequency: Hourly
    All users who reveiw DLMS transaction processing will benefit from this improvement.