DPAS SCR: 02035

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Requisition Phase I
  • DPAS Module
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
    In Progress
  • History
    Submitted 05/29/2024
  • Description
    Change Request: New Process

    DPAS SCR 00726 provided DPAS with MILSTRIP requisitioning capabilities within the Materiel Mgmt. module. All users wanting to place orders using DPAS must establish a Materiel Mgmt. presence with it being limited to use for Warehouse and Property Accountability orders.  With the Tech Refresh effort, DPAS is proposing to enable requisitioning within any of its 4 primary modules (Materiel Mgmt., Property Accountability, Warehouse Mgmt. and Maintenance Mgmt. The initial Tech Refresh effort will enable MILSTRIP requisitioning within Maintenance Mgmt. (Phase 1), followed by  Property Accountability (Phase 2), followed by replacing the current requisitions capabilities within Materiel Mgmt. (Phae3), with the final implementation being within Warehouse Mgmt (PHase 4) .  Each phase will be have its own DPAS SCR Nbr assgined.  
    Requisition Phase 1
    1 Incorporate MILSTIRP requisitioning within the current Maintenance issue process.
    2. Incorporate a requisition approval process that can be configured to the organization's needs.
    3. Provide Organization Operating Target capabilities for funded requisitions,
    4. Provide the capability to submit orders to a DPAS Warehouse Requisitions for items that are not cataloged /stocked by allowing the user to enter a Part Nbr and Description of the part needed.
    5. Provide the ability to view the transaction history of their Requisitions and submit modifications for the Requisition.
    6. Provide the user with the capability to request a Supply Status from the Source of Supply.
    7. This feature includes the handling of shipment details and the ability to receive for that materiel, upon arrival.
    Mission Critical:
    FIAR compliance is mandated. This change is considered a necessary feature to improve the audit trail to ensure FIAR compliance.
    Provides MILSTRIP requisitioning where it is needed.  
    Incorporates SLOA elements within the DLMS.
    Provides financial reporting capabilities for billable orders.
    Frequency: Daily
    All MU users.
    Partially Completed - Release 2024.2.6 - 14 June 2024
    Partially Completed – Release 2024.2.7 – 28 June 2024