DPAS SCR: 02042

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Stock Number Edit
  • DPAS Module
    PA,MU,Warehouse,Materiel Management,FSM,Registry (SA/LW)
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • History
    Submitted 06/27/2024
  • Description
    Change Request: Process Improvement
    Currently the Stock Number AUD (LPCTN01) disables fields for edit due to the stock number being externally sourced or having associations to assets or inventory control numbers. Not providing the ability to allow the user to modify as many fields as possible, limits their ability to make the change increases the time to get their data as well and places an effort on the Help Desk and Development Teams to make the change.  The DPAS team should review the fields that are disabled to determine which can be activated.  If the system requires a Mass Sock Nbr change feature to support external interfaces, as well and financial reporting, this could be a method to support enabling the user as well as supporting AESIP / FLIS changes that are not currently being processed.
    As a minimum, the following fields should be opened up for edit on LPCTN01 Stock Nbr AUD
    Type Asset Code & Asset Category Code – These can be opened for edit in warehouse and PA as long as financial accounting is supported for OM&S and Fixed Assets.  
    Shelf Life Code - Should allow adjusting between types I & II A job must first be put into place before we can convert to type 0 as this would constitute a bulk inventory roll-up, or the override flag cold automatically be set on the record to retain the shelf life expiration dates.
    Accounting Requirements Code (ARC), DEMIL Code, CIIC
    Mission Critical:
    Implementing the capability to allow for more attribute change via automation will assist with keeping the external catalogs feeds with DPAS data in sync through automation.
    Allows the user more flexibility when performing stock number adjustments and removes the need to contact help desk when adjustments to key fields is required.
    Frequency: Weekly
    DPAS currently receives about 1-10 data scripts per week to address desired catalog updates.