DPAS SCR: 02051

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Warehouse Relocation
  • DPAS Module
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • History
    Submitted 07/25/2024
  • Description
    Change Request: Process Improvement

    Currently DPAS does not allow the user with Warehouse AUD access to modify the Site the Warehouse is aligned.  With re-organizations a common practice, the Warehouse AUD should permit the user to update the region / site the Warehouse is aligned.  This change will allow the user to systematically make the change and eliminate a help ticket to the DPAS developers to make the change.
    Add a Region drop-own to Warehouse AUD defaulting the value to the current Region, with the capability to select a different Region within the Warehouse's current Logistics Program. Enable the Site drop-down to permit the user to change the site the warehouse is aligned. When Region is changed, clear the Site drop-down forcing the user to select a new Site from a list the drop-down is populated that corresponds to the Region selected.  
    Mission Critical:
    Enables the user to perform updates without requiring DPAS support.
    Improves and reduces the time to perform an warehouse re-alignment.
    Eliminates support from DPAS support team.
    Frequency: Daily
    The SCR applies to all users of the DPAS WM application.