DPAS SCR: 02052

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Expanded Label Options
  • DPAS Module
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • History
  • Description
    Change Request: Process Improvement

    The current ICN label options work for an warehouse operation, but are not conducive for field operations. The majority of the items NSWC manages in WM are serialized items that are issued to the unit / individual.  These items are returned when the mission is completed and are re-issued to support the next mission.  NSWC requires more options similar to what the PA application offers. WIth SCR 01984 enabling warehouse physical inventories to be conducted by Asset Id, providing additional ICN label options and the ability print an Asset Id label would enable NSWC to label the majority of their items.
    Provide additional label printing options similar to PA where the user has more label size options and can select the data elements to include on the label based upon the size of the label.  When this SCR is ready to be programmed, NSWC will work with the DPAS developers to identify label size options, and what field options are desired.
    Mission Critical:
    Improves item marking which will facilitate better identification of the item which will reduce the time required to conduct physical inventories by the Unit / Individual.
     The change will enable the PBO to be able to better communicate with the unit/individual what the item is.  Current label size options limit what items can be marked to larger items.   Supporting label sizes similar to what PA offers will enable more items being bar coded / pRFID enabled that will speed and improve PI accuracy.
    Frequency: Daily

    The SCR applies to all users of the DPAS WM application that are not able to utilize the current WM label sizes.