DPAS SCR: 02055

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Add High Level Hierarchy to Tier Structure
  • DPAS Module
    Warehouse,Materiel Management
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • History
  • Description
    Change Request: Process Improvement

    The DPAS Materiel Mgmt. and Warehouse Mgmt. applications were designed without Enterprise, Deptartment or Agency Tiers.  As DPAS is deployed to more customers with some of those customer being Non-DoD, there is a need to add additional top level tiers.  With the planned implementation of ICAMS for Account Mgmt, having an enterprise tier would be a benefit for managing customer support personnel accounts.  
    Add 3 top level tiers to Materiel Mgmt. and Warehouse Mgmt. applications.  The tiers would be as follows:  Enterprise (Customer Support), Department (DoD, Homeland Security), and Agency (Army, Navy, USCG (Non-DoD), etc.).  Modify Enterprise Roll-up inquiries within these 2 modules to support the new tiers given the fact that catalog could be at a different tier levels.
    Mission Critical:
    Provides improvements to user account mgmt. within DPAS and ICAMS.
    Provides for user access to be granted at the level required without continued update of user accounts when a new Logistics Program or Materiel Management Program for enterprise, department or agency level users.
    Frequency: Daily
    It is estimated that this will support approximately 200 users