DPAS SCR: 02055
- SCR Number
- Title
Add High Level Hierarchy to Tier Structure
- DPAS Module
Warehouse,Materiel Management
- Reporting Organization
- State
- History
- Description
Change Request: Process Improvement
Description:The DPAS Materiel Mgmt. and Warehouse Mgmt. applications were designed without Enterprise, Deptartment or Agency Tiers. As DPAS is deployed to more customers with some of those customer being Non-DoD, there is a need to add additional top level tiers. With the planned implementation of ICAMS for Account Mgmt, having an enterprise tier would be a benefit for managing customer support personnel accounts.Recommended:Add 3 top level tiers to Materiel Mgmt. and Warehouse Mgmt. applications. The tiers would be as follows: Enterprise (Customer Support), Department (DoD, Homeland Security), and Agency (Army, Navy, USCG (Non-DoD), etc.). Modify Enterprise Roll-up inquiries within these 2 modules to support the new tiers given the fact that catalog could be at a different tier levels.Mission Critical:Provides improvements to user account mgmt. within DPAS and ICAMS.Benefits:Provides for user access to be granted at the level required without continued update of user accounts when a new Logistics Program or Materiel Management Program for enterprise, department or agency level users.Frequency: DailyUsers:It is estimated that this will support approximately 200 users