DPAS SCR: 02062

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Mapping assets to Authorizations
  • DPAS Module
  • Reporting Organization
  • History
  • Description
    Change Request: Process Improvement

    Problem:  PA currently links asset to Auth LIN/TAMCN Master Key and does not identify which asset belongs to which Authorization Document Number.  Assigning asset to Authorization Document Number only links asset to Auth LIN/TAMCN Master Key which connects to multiple Authorization Document Numbers.  Users must manually edit Authorization Document Number within Obligation Doc Number text field resulting with typing errors or copy/pasting inconsistencies within field(s).  This causes enterprise data integrity issues.  (Please reference Word Document attachment for specific details)
    Proposed Improvement:  Add new column (auth_lin_tamcn_detail_ky) to Asset Master table.  This allows the ability to tie asset directly to Authorization Document Number and alleviates the grouping of Authorization Doc Numbers
    Suggested solutions:
    1) Develop an Obligation Document Number drop-down list of available Document Numbers for Authorization LIN/TAMCN Master Key
    2) Create a search results screen with Authorization Document Numbers for users to select and populate a new Authorization LIN/TAMCN Detail Key ID Field on the Asset Master
    3) Introduce a search field within Obligation Document Number text field for Authorization Document Numbers
    Mission Critical:
    Department of the Air Force Instruction 24-302 VEHICLE MANAGEMENT
    1) Allows accurate asset accountability improving data integrity
    2) Solves asset grouping within Authorization Document Numbers
    3) Solves Unit Type Code mapping issues    
    Frequency: Daily

    This process improvement benefits DOD agencies and military services on a daily basis.