Problem: AF GFM-A CICPs operate on their contracts for about 5 years, then new contracts may be awarded to the existing contractor or to a new company. For those AF GFM-A CICPs already transacting in DPAS, this translates to starting over with new conversion spreadsheets and passing data validation and data load performed by the DPAS Implementation Team. DPAS does not have process(es) needed to copy existing production data to create new CICP entries for the new contracts. AF GFM-A team proposed an 'easy button' process to copy and paste existing data to create new CICP entries. The 'easy button' process is not a replacement for the current AF GFM-A DPAS Implementation process; its' an alternative to starting over with conversion spreadsheets. The new capability would leverage/reuse the existing catalog data in DPAS to reduce implementation time.
DPAS will provide a CICP copy capability to copy existing production data from the expiring contract to the new contract. The copy capability will provide the authorized user a data entry screen for the new contract number, DoDAACs, RIC, etc. The data entry screen would replace the existing data within the copy function.
Mission Critical:
New CICP copy capability would reduce AF implementation time, re-use data already in DPAS and reduce DPAS Implementation team time need to validate and reload data.
Frequency: Yearly
AF GFM-A DPAS ICP and Warehouse Modules; estimated users 500