DPAS SCR: 02072

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    TPF Customer Profiles
  • DPAS Module
    PA,Materiel Management
  • Reporting Organization
    Army: Asa(Alt)
  • State
  • History
  • Description
    Change Request: Process Improvement

    An analysis conducted of DPAS TPF transactions for unsuccessful transaction errors and help desk tickets associated - determined the reason that the TPF was not successful is due to the user not establishing the profile correctly. The DPAS Customer Profile process within Materiel Mgmt. provides a repeatable setup process to support the Army's Total Package Fielding (TPF) if the DPAS users creates the correct profile.  The PA modules using the Address Directory process which would also benefit from the recommended changes.  The Customer Profile needs to be configured for the system the Unit is using for Property Accountability.  While most fielding’s are to Units using GCSS-Army, it could be Units using DPAS and in some situations a fielding could be another DoD property accountability system. By having the Customer Profile established correctly, it is estimated that TPF failures could be reduced by 35%-60%.     The problem is applicable to Materiel Mgmt. and Property Accountability modules.
    ASA ALT is recommending several improvements to DPAS.  These enhancements will enable the DPAS customer to save time (protecting limited resources) with additional input, while reducing common error shortfalls and reduction in the DPAS HDT support.
    1. Create a process that contains the critical Customer Profile / Address Directory attributes that are specific to the Property System. Attributes would include Property System, Document Nbr series, Notification by DAAS/DLMS, PMR Required, PMR RIC, Shipment Status Required, Signal Cd, M&S Code, Distribution Code, etc..
    2. Modify Customer Profile / Address Directory to have the user select the system the Unit is using, thus pulling in the critical elements with the users not being able to modify them.  An alternative would be removing the elements specific to a property system from Customer Profile / Address Directory
    profile and linking the property system configuration setting to the Unit configuration. The proposed System Configuration setup would be role based with restricted access to only those users having knowledge of correct values.
    3. Add additional checks and provide for corrections to preclude having to start over.  
            a. For example, for a fielding to GCSS-Army, DPAS should validate that a PMR ACK has been received prior to allowing the user to complete the issue.
            b. When a PMR NCK is received, DPAS should provide a method for the user to correct the error and resubmit the PMR and likewise when a Shipment Status NCK is received.  Allow for correction of the error or provide the user with the capability to cancel the fielding returning the inventory.
    Mission Critical:
    These proposed modifications aim to significantly reduce the man-hours required for searching, reprocessing unsuccessful transactions and HDT support to the user.  These improvements will lead to overall cost savings for the U.S. government and streamline warehouse movements with greater control and accuracy.
    This solution enhances accuracy for large scale transactions  across the force and provides a total cost savings by reducing man hours and time-to-task required to accurately issue large scale amounts of inventory, while reducing  the DPAS HDT support.
    Frequency: Daily

    This solution would benefit all user operating within PA and WM, (or our community that is ~500 users).  These updates are applicable to all organizations that perform 'push' orders.