DPAS SCR: 02088

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Add Negative Report to Reconciliation Reports
  • DPAS Module
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • History
  • Description
    Change Request: Process Improvement

    Description: DODIG/IPA Audit FY23 resulted in a Notice of Findings and Recommendations to NSW due to not being able to submit negative inventories to prove active warehouses that did not contain assets during required inventory periodicities.  

    Recommended: Add the statement "Negative Report" to show the Warehouse Physical Inventory Reconciliation Report Detail and Warehouse Physical Inventory Reconciliation Report Summary when a physical inventory is conducted on a Warehouse does not have inventory in the Warehouse.

    Mission Critical:

    Benefits: DODIG/IPA Audit requirement to create and retain negative report inventory.

    Frequency: Monthly

    Users: All Users