DPAS SCR: 02093
- SCR Number
- Title
Active/Reserve Component Add
- DPAS Module
- Reporting Organization
- State
- History
- Description
Change Request: Process Improvement
Description: There was a recent request to be able to distinguish between Active and Reserve individuals that are issued gear here at NECC. Currently, there's no way that we're able to track who's Active or Reserve in any reporting tool and would like to add that capability within DPAS WH.
Recommended: This would have to start when the users are creating the Member Profiles, and allowing the user to select from a drop down whether the issued user is Active or Reserve. We noticed there is a field for Duty Status, however there's no way to be able to input that information. Once the gear has been issued, the user should be able to see this on the DW Issued Receipt form, in addition to all the Issued Inquiry reports where one can either filter this option or export it onto excel and filter as needed. This capability should be added to both the Individual Issue as well as the Unit Issue functions.
Mission Critical: NECCINST 5200.45
Benefits: Having this capability would provide the user with the ability to separate between Active and Reserve members and fully give them visibility when generating reports in DPAS WH.
Frequency: Daily
Users: All users who utilize the Individual/Unit Issue functions.