DPAS SCR: 02106
- SCR Number
- Title
FAST Disposition Reason
- DPAS Module
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- History
- Description
Change Request:
Description:Process disconnect within UIC to UIC transfers for FAST Reportable vehicles. System requires FAST Disposition Reason input during transfer, however, the PA and M&U transactions prevent the gaining and losing Maintenance Activity (MA) to complete action. The gaining MA can profile a transferred asset if there is not a work order open for the asset. Normal process is the gaining MA profiles and opens a work order processing asset into new UIC. However, this actions prevents the losing MA inputting a FAST Disposition Reason to drop the asset from losing MA causing asset to remain within AWD status in the losing MA. This presents data integrity issue during FAST reporting as MA cannot input FAST disposition reason.Recommended:
Completing PA UIC to UIC transfers within specific site generates an automatic system action (i.e., M&U) to remove AWD status from losing Maintenance Activity (MA). System must automatically clear the FAST Disposition Reason with ‘N/A – Not Applicable; vehicle is not disposed’ and generate an Open Action (e.g., Homepage display) notifying losing MA asset is no longer within MA and system transferred asset to gaining MA is complete. Additionally, system must generate an Open Action to clear any FAST Disposition Reason for all FAST Reportable assets disposition within PA. Finally, add a column to M&U MAM Search Results for AWD status. This allows another search tool identifying assets are ready for FAST Disposition Reason after PA disposition other than UIC to UIC as this is automatic as recommended above.Mission Critical:
Department of the Air Force Instruction 24-302 VEHICLE MANAGEMENT, Section 8.4 Annual FAST ReportBenefits:
Streamline UIC to UIC transfer process by automating some of the steps, while ensuring accurate FAST Reporting by informing maintenance activity that FAST Disposition Reasons are ready/require action.Frequency:DailyUsers:This process improvement benefits DOD agencies and military services on a daily basis.