DPAS SCR: 02107
- SCR Number
- Title
Incorporate FMS fields into Customer Requisition / Materiel Release Order
- DPAS Module
Warehouse,Materiel Management
- Reporting Organization
- State
- History
- Description
Change Request:
Description:1. USMC requires the capability to issue materiel in support of the Security Assistance Program. There is a requirement to additional fields to track the issuance of this materiel and in some instances the cost could be different than the DOD Standard Price.
2. The price/cost used is to be the the security assistance agreement price.2. This SCR incorporates additional fields into Customer Requisition in MM and Materiel Release Order in WM that identify the Security Assistance agreement number.Recommended:
1. Modify CR in MM to provide for the entry of additional Security Assistance data elements and the entry of the agreement price.
2. Modify DLMS 940R and DLMS 945A to enable data exchange of the additional fields / cost between MM/WM and WM/TMS.3. Modify MRO in WM to display and/or the entry of additional Security Assistance fields.4. Modify DLMS 856S Shipment Status to contain the additional fields.5. Modify DD Form 1348 to display additional FMS field and the cost the government has approved for the item.6. Modify MM In-transit tracking to contain the security assistance fields.Mission Critical:
Supports DLM 4000.25
Supports DLMS 940R, 945A, and 856S Implementation Conventions (ICs)The implementation of this SCR is in support of USMC's DPAS implementation (Phase 1b).Benefits:
Provides all DPAS customers with the capability to perform manage Security Assistance issues.Frequency:WeeklyUsers:This change impacts all customers of Materiel Mgmt. and those users of the MRO within Warehouse Mgmt.