DPAS SCR: 02119

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Purpose Code Functionality
  • DPAS Module
    Warehouse,Materiel Management
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • History
  • Description

    Change Request
    Process Improvement



    During the System Acceptance Test (SAT) conducted by MARCORLOGCOM personnel on March 4, 2025, it was discovered that the Purpose Code logic development was done incorrectly and if not corrected will result in a failure point when conducting the MARCORLOGCOM GAP analysis. When an Inventory Control Point (ICP) is being utilized within the ELMS application, full control of assigning the Purpose Code element is to be done by Inventory Managers through use of the Material Management module.  Observations during SAT showed the functionality and entry point for Purpose Code was programed to be only accomplished through the Warehouse module.  This method of entry should be allowed ONLY when a warehouse DoDAAC is separated from an ICP and is not being managed through the Material Management module.  Assignment of the Purpose Code is the inherent responsibility of the Inventory Manager and as such should be accomplished within the Material Management module.  Purpose Code is used by the ICP to stratify inventory and is not a warehouse function.  This request for modification aligns the business processes required by MARCORLOGCOM WSMC.



    1.  The system shall provide the Inventory Manager with the capability to enter the Purpose Code element from within the Material Management module.  This capability will be restricted to Inventory Manager role when the Inventory Control Point (ICP) is utilizing the Material Management module.

    2.   The system shall be set to NOT allow the Warehouse module to adjust the Purpose Code element when a DoDAAC is assigned to an ICP.

    3.   When a new due-in is presented for receipt processing at a Remote Storage Activity (RSA) that has been assigned to Inventory Control Point (ICP), an initial Purpose Code assignment of “A” shall be made.  It is the responsibility of the Inventory Manger to reassign the Purpose Code to it proper location utilizing the Material Management module not the warehousing module. Note:  The reassignment of the Purpose Code is a dynamic process which may require an Inventory Manager to adjust the Purpose Code several times, by serial number over the life cycle of an asset.

    4.  The ELMS system shall ensure the LQ (Industry Code) “99”, representing Purpose Code, is present in all required DLMS transactions and represents the correct values as entered in the Material Management module.  In the case of the 947I “Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice” transaction, the W19/AD element must be included identifying a change in Purpose Code assignment.

    5.  The ELMS system shall ensure all historical transactional records contain the Purpose Code value when assigned.

    6.  The ELMS system shall ensure the Purpose Code value is available to be selected in search criteria when users are isolating data in inquiries.

    Mission Critical:
    MARCORLOGCOM Inventory Management personnel are required to know, at all times, where managed inventory resides within the Purpose Code stratification.  Rolls separation between the Warehousing and Material Management, when it pertains to the entry and management of the Purpose Code value is strictly adhered to in MARCORLOGCOM’s business processes.

    • Meets MARCORLOGCOM’s business model.

    • Provides 100% accountability of assets.

    • Complies with current audit controls.


    All system users within the Marine Corps Logistics Command, including Material Managers, Warehouse Managers, and Inventory Control Points, will benefit from these enhancements.