DPAS SCR: 02120
- SCR Number
- Title
SA/LW DLMS Changes (ADC 1244)
- DPAS Module
Warehouse,Materiel Management
- Reporting Organization
- State
- History
- Description
Change Request:
Description:DoD is modifying how the reporting of SA/LW will be responded. They will be responded through the use of APIs referred to as LLASIE. Once this process is implemented, the DLMS 140A and DLMS 888A transaction sets will be eliminated. The required changes are detailed in ADC 1244 and its addendum's. The elimination of the SA/LW transactions requires several changes to the DLMS changes in reporting receipts, gains, losses and turn-ins. The implementation of LLASIE is covered by DPAS SCR 01988.
Recommended:This SCR is to cover the business changes. and the DLMS reporting changes required to comply with DLMS 1244B as it relates to the changes outlined in enclosure 5 - DLMS 856S, 856R, and 947I
Mission Critical:
The implementation of this SCR will improve materiel activity reporting within the DLMS transactions sets as outlined in ADC 1244B.Benefits:Ensure DPAS maintains DLMS compliant, and provides for additional materiel reporting that enables the elimination of separate SA/LW reporting outside of the standard supply reporting.
Frequency:DailyUsers:This change impacts all users that manage SA/LW within DPAS