DPAS SCR: 01603

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Deactivate Member Profiles
  • DPAS Module
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • History
    Submitted: 14 May 2020
  • Description

    Member profiles of individuals who are no longer within the Logistics Program are cluttering up all functions that require retrieving an individuals name. Some warehouses try managing their customer base via the customers assigned to their UIC but are unable to do so as it is convoluted with customers who left years ago.

    Give the ability to deactivate a member profile via a checkbox within their profile. Nothing associated with the member profile would be deleted, but on the front end this particular customer would not appear in any inquiries unless their profile is reactivated.

    Mission Critical
    Mandated - Although this doesn't stop our users from completing their day to day job it does add time to day to day functions in DPAS and increased user frustration as it leads to inaccurate transactions.

    This will allow for a cleaner and updated list of individuals within the Logistics Program by reducing the time to querying an individual since it would only need to retrieve active member profiles vice all historical profiles.

    All users