DPAS SCR: 01643

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Generate DLMS867I For Materiel Release Order
  • DPAS Module
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • History
    Submitted: 11/2/2020
  • Description

    USMC LOGCOM is transitioning from the Air Force Stock Control System (SCS) to Navy Enterprise Resource Planning System (NERP) for inventory management of the wholesale inventory that is managed within DPAS warehouses.  Communication between NERP and DPAS will be DLMS transactions.  With the change in inventory control system, NERP requires the Warehouse system to generate a DLMS 867I (Issue) as part of the Materiel Release Advice shipment report (DLMS 945A).


    1. Incorporate a flg within the Owning DoDAAC profile to indicate whether the system needs to generate a Issue (867I).
    2. Modify LPWNH35 (MRO) to generate a DLMS 867I when flg is true for the Owning DoDAAC.
    3. Incorporate business rules provided by NERP/USMC to determine the Product Transfer Type Code (To be provided later).
    4. Consideration should be given to adding a flg for the generation of the DLMS 856S transaction as this is currently dedicated to SCS. 
      NERP will likely require DPAS to generate the DLMS 856S along with other systems as it is not configured to account for materiel at the serial nbr/batch level.
    5. Modify LPWHN35 to check for 856S flg.  When present, generate the Shipment Status (DLMS 856S); otherwise, do not generate the Shipment Status.

    Mission Critical
    Yes. Without this change, USMC cannot transition to NERP.

    Provides USMC with a modern Materiel Mgmt system and enable USMC to become compliant with Navy policy

    The impact to the user is negligible as this will be limited to background processing with the exception of the setup of the Owning DoDAAC's profile. 

    Partially Completed – Release 2021.1 – 5 February 2021

    Partially Completed – Release 2021.2.1 – 11 June 2021

    Completed – Release 2021.2.2 – 02 July 2021