DPAS SCR: 01694

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    DPAS GEX Data Feed
  • DPAS Module
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
    In Progress
  • History
    Submitted: 20 April 21
  • Description

    Request to establish a Naval Special Warfare (NSW) interface to transfer NSW DPAS data from DPAS POR to NSW Data Environment via established GEX channel. Currently receiving DPAS SOLMS data, but need to refine data requirements to NSW scope.

    Mirror SOLMS interface within scope of NSW data requirements. Replace SOLMS data file with NSW interface data file for relay via established GEX channel. Supporting documents can be sent via encrypted email or SAFE file transfer; please provide email address for receipt and ticket number to reference. To include: data requirements (xlsx), GEX interface agreement (pdf), SOLMS interface WPHRI09 - Asset Data Visibility Feed (pdf), and NSW Data Environment (NDE) ATO.

    Mission Critical
    Mission critical. NSW Data Environment (NDE) is a consolidated data engineering solution, pioneered and directed by Naval Special Warfare Command, that manages the integration, storage, and distribution of authoritative data from disparate data sources in order to model and analyze data efficiently and effectively. The NSW Operational Data Store (ODS) and the NSW Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) are components of the NDE. The NDE data as a service (DaaS) provides mission essential data to a wide variety of approved NSW and US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) enterprise business systems, analytics tools, business and artificial intelligence, machine learning algorithms and statistical models, robotic process automation, resource management suites, software applications, data lakes, and data marts within the “hub and spoke” model of the Special Operations Forces Data Environment (SDE). The solution supports Special Operations Forces critical ability to develop enhanced situational understanding, fully inform options for decision makers, and wield influence when and where necessary.

    ISO CNO FRAGO to implement digital competitive advantage to improve accuracy and accountability for DPAS. The solution supports Special Operations Forces critical ability to develop enhanced situational understanding, fully inform options for decision makers, and wield influence when and where necessary.

    All. Allows for visual reporting at all levels.


    Partially Completed – Release 2022.3 – 04 November 2022

    Partially Completed – Release 2023.3.3 – 11 August 2023