DPAS SCR: 01774

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    2015_NSN IS and refeence NSN
  • DPAS Module
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • History
    Submitted: 01April 2022
  • Description
    The current program logic on the FSM Auth On-hand report does not take into consideration stock numbers that are a 'related NSN'. This is causing the FSM Auth On-hand product to either identify these related NSNs as excess and the Master NSN as shortages when in fact these NSNs can be used in lieu of the other.
    Include the 'Related NSN' as an approved replacement on the FSM Auth On-hand report. Additionally within the Asset Management Inquiry, include I&S and 'Related NSN' as part of the data pull
    Mission Critical:
    Mission critical- currently the report is indicating that there are several shortages and excess based on the current program logic. This is hindering the DAF ability to properly report readiness as outlined in the CJCSI 3401.02B Enclosure A
    Improves accuracy of or readiness reporting of assets physically on hand that meet the mission requirements
    All users within the Agency
    Completed – Release 2022.3 – 04 November 2022