January 13
Effective Date: 2023-01-13

This release includes System Change Requests and corrects program deficiencies identified by the user community. Please review the feature and bug list below for a full listing of changes in this release.

System Changes

Appt Scheduler





Helpdesk Tickets / Bugs Fixed

Ticket Nbr Module Name
77909 Catalog LPCTN01 - Stock Number (AUD) - User creates Stock Item Type L and received error 947
79247 Force Systems Management WPFMQ02 - USAF A4/HAF: Revert 5k client grid limit
78234 ICP LPGLM26 - DLMS 824R - Reject Advice - AF CMP GFP: Missing Reject Advice Codes
76998 ICP Requisition Denial reason text unavailable to view
76065 MU WPMAN08 Work Plan AUD - Deleted Work Plans still present in search results in Work Order
78574 MU WPMAN10 - AvSE: Maint Mgmt Assign updates reverting asset profiling to NPD
77971, 78111 MU WPMAN10 - DLA: Numerous Assets Switched to "NPD" Maint Mgt Cd
77644 MU WPMAN12 - Work Order AU - Add Work Plan ID field to Sub Work Order - Not Visible in Sub Work Order or Sub Work Order Inquiries
74090 MU WPMAN12 - Work Order AU - VSCOS: Unit conversion pricing inaccurate in M&U/WM Maint Issue in 125 LRS Jacksonville/FF2
78684 MU WPMAN12 Work Order AU - Sub Work Order Top Scroll Bar Frozen on Status change to Closed
78336 MU WPMAN12 Work Order AU - VSCOS/multiple MA's: Cloning WO side scroll bar disappears & unable to scroll to complete
78231 MU WPMAN46C - AvSE: Maint Schedule Officer role not granting access to create Centralized Work Plans
78249 PA WPHRN11 - USMC: Units receiving transaction 'Unhandled error' when attempting receipt of capital assets
63459, 55631 PA WPHRN56 - UII Update/Assignment - UID Type Cd on IUID Registry and UID Type Cd displayed on UII Inquiry are not in sync
79890, 80366 Warehouse LPWHN50 - Disposition / USMC CSP: Unable to select a warehouse in Disposition process
77807 Warehouse LPWHQ34 - Unit Issue Activity Inquiry / UIC field returning different values in parts of Unit Issue activity

System Change Details


Appt Scheduler

01841 - Appointment Scheduler / Permanent Change of Assignment (PCA) appointment type

Module: Appt Scheduler
What Changed:
A new appointment type, PCA - Permanent Change of Assignment, has been added to the USMC: CSP calendar management system.  

The Originating Problem:
Members needed a way to come into a facility and update their assigned UIC whenever their unit assignments were changed. The facilities needed a method to identify these members and direct them differently than the standard issue/return appointments within a particular day.

PCA appointments, once set up, is available at member check-in. Members with this type of appointment are notified to be taken care of from a single lane without disruption to the flow of other members getting/returning gear. This appointment type directs the clerk to the member's profile where the change is made and the appointment is completed once the update is finished.


01824 - Additional inquiry columns to support part number updates

Module: eCatalog
What Changed:
Stock Nbr AUD has a link that displays a pop up with associated Manufacturer Part Numbers (MPNs) for Stock Item Code B stock numbers.
Stock Nbr Inquiry shows a column with MPNs for Stock Item Code B.
Stock Number Search Results
Manufacturer Part Number Details 
Stock Nbr Inquiry
The Originating Problem:
Recently DPAS implemented changes to support a one to one association between stock item type B (Part Numbers) and manufacturer part numbers. Currently the manufacturer's name, CAGE, and part number are not included within the returned data on the existing stock number screens. To support day to day data inquiries, these fields are included on both the Stock Number AUD and the Stock Number Inquiry.

Stock Nbr AUD now has a link that shows associated MPNs.


01016 - ICP Dashboard - GFM-A Metrics Error Rates Reporting

Module: ICP
What changed:
The ICP Dashboard displays a series of Error Rates for both the previous day and the current month. Those rates indicate the DLMS Transaction Suspension Rate, the EOD/EOM Unreconciled Rate, and the EOD Transaction Mismatch Rate for the day and for the current month to indicate the status of DLMS transactions for the ICP.

The originating problem:
GFM-A Metrics Reporting ITFRs:
  • Solution shall calculate/report an error rate of data reconciliation mismatches by type of mismatch.
  • Solution shall calculate/report an error rate of data reconciliation mismatches by contractor.
  • Solution shall calculate/report an error rate of the number of transactions rejected because the item in invalid.

This widget should enable ICP managers to see the status of their DLMS transactions to indicate the accuracy of DLMS transactions being inbounded. It would also enable the ICP managers to see the status of end of day error rate of data reconciliation mismatches.


01282 - MU Work Order/Requisition Deferred Parts

Module: MU
What changed:
When users in the M&U module close a Work Order with open Parts Requests through Requisition and select Defer Parts, they see the Maintenance Issue in the Warehouse display the DE - Deferred Parts Status. If they later create a new Work Order for the Asset that needs those deferred parts, they can re-establish that parts request and Requisition.

The originating problem:
Enhancing the current M&U, Requisition, and WH messaging to defer parts requests and re-establish them when a Work Order is closed.

M&U module Work Order is improved.

01809 - Work Order - Mass Edit - Mass Closure (Complete)

Module: MU
What changed:
The ability now exists to close numerous work orders at one time, as well as void work orders when they are no longer needed.  

The originating problem:
The new Work Order process only included the ability to close work orders one at a time. 
Since often numerous work orders are either completed or closed out all at once, there needed to be a method to close work orders en masse in order to prevent updating each work order one at a time. 
Continued Work Order Mass Update Transactions are in progress for a future release, and that includes Work Order Assignment and Parts Cancellation. 

01809 - Work Order - Mass Edit - Mass Parts Request Cancellation

Module: MU
What changed:
The ability to cancel numerous parts at one time.  
The originating problem:
The new Work Order process only included the ability to cancel parts from within each work order. Since this can be cumbersome when cancelling many parts across many open work orders, there needed to be a method to cancel parts en masse in order to prevent updating each work order one at a time. 
Continued Work Order Mass Update Transactions are in progress for a future release, including Work Order Assignment.

01812 - Mfr Part Nbr FAST Reportable Indicator

Module: MU
What Changed:
 - Added a FAST Indicator value to the Manufacturer Part Number table to identify that the asset is FAST reportable to attached assets.
 - Updated the process to populate the value, add to grid / inquires, reports. 
 - Synchronized FAST Indicator with M&U.  
 - Modified logic in M&U for determining FAST reportable assets.

The Originating Problem:
During the 2022.2 customer maintenance demos, the customers expressed a desire to have FAST reporting defined corporately rather than allowing each Maintenance Activity have the capability to establish the determination. Today, the catalog team has a FAST indicator within the Manufacturer Part Number process. When set to Yes (system defaults to Yes when ACC = P, but user can override the setting), the system forces the user to select a FAST Manufacturer Name. Currently the indicator is not an attribute, thus there is no true positive confirmation that the asset is FAST reportable. 

 - Improves accuracy for FAST Reportable assets.  
 - Eliminates Maintenance Activities ability to not correctly report commercially designed vehicles.


01855 - DPAS Sub-Warehouse / DLMS Inbound Processing

Module: Warehouse
What changed:
DLMS transactions are modified to include the Warehouse Id (Shop Code) where supported.  Warehouse Transaction Review screens are modified to display the information, if/when it contains actual data.  

The originating problem:
New functionality is being added to DPAS warehouse to allow multiple warehouses to share a single DoDAAC/RIC value, used for DLMS routing. In order to specifically indicate which one of the warehouses (using a single DoDAAC/RIC), a unique identifier was needed: Warehouse Id (Shop Code).

No impact to normal DLMS routing and traffic will be noticed until Shop Codes are added, scheduled for a future release.