April 07
Effective Date: 2023-04-07

This release includes System Change Requests and corrects program deficiencies identified by the user community. Please review the feature and bug list below for a full listing of changes in this release.

System Changes





Maintenance & Utilization

Helpdesk Tickets / Bugs Fixed

Ticket Nbr Module Name
79781 ICP LPMCN06 - ICP Dashboard - Open Actions in ICP seems to be off / user requesting explanation of values for open actions
79781 ICP LPMCN06 - ICP Dashboard - Fix Physical Inventory pending tasks count
54934 Maintenance & Utilization WPMAN41 - Labor Category AUD / UIC FFCS80 / Cannot delete Labor Cats or rates in Labor Category (Front/Back end Validations required) (Data base correction?)
81616 Maintenance & Utilization WPMAQ13 Work Order Inquiry / VSCOS: Non Labor Costs not updating Work Order Parts Inquiry from Work Order
79293 Maintenance & Utilization WPMAR27 Non-Mission Capable Report Request VSCOS: NMC Summary/Asset Reports do not Reconcile with Work Order NMC Inquiry (PA Only Assets)
79737 Property Accountability WPAUR24 - FSM Auth Mgt On-Hand Report - Erroring/stuck Timeout Errors
83292 Warehouse Data Fix Request / CLJ UIF CBRN Unit issue error
83294, 85336 Warehouse Global - Warehouse / tier selector issue after working in Disposition process
77888 Warehouse LPRMN01 - Requisition / Maintenance Issue Signed without Pick - Update Status to Backorder / Update status to Picked
64156 Warehouse LPWHN43 - Warehouse Transfer / In-Transit container/ability to add items to container midstream issue

System Change Details



01633 - Tech Refresh - SKO Catalog P2

Module: Catalog
What Changed:
SKO Catalog is now updated to Tech Refresh standards.
When the user adds or updates SKO Catalog, a drawer opens to Add a Stock Number, and a new drawer opens to add components to the SKO Catalog (up to 10 at a time). A configure section then opens to add the rest of the Stock Numbers. 
The same occurs for LIN/TAMCN's added to the kits. They display under the Stock Number column with a hyperlinked LIN/TAMCN ID. From that hyperlink, the components of the LIN/TAMCN are displayed. From here the components can be included, excluded, added to, edited, or deleted. 
There is also new functionality where one row (or multiple rows) within in the components are selectable, and moved up or down within the order of the kit.

The Originating Problem:
SKO was using old Legacy screens and functionality.

There is a new Landing Page for SKO according to Tech Refresh standards. The other processes are going to follow in other releases, depending upon complexity.


01868 - DLMS Infrastructure & Microservice

Module: DLMS
What Changed:
DLMS database has been created, a microservice has been established, and the DLMS Inbound Pendulum job has been created.

The Originating Problem:
DLMS Redesign has begun as a part of tech refresh.

The groundwork for DLMS Redesign is being established.


01861 - Enhance Health Monitor to Match Other Applications' Health Endpoints

Module: Enterprise
Related to: SCR 01861
What Changed:
The Health Monitor application was updated to be consistent with the rest of the applications.

The Originating Problem:
The Health Monitor Service's health check had an inconsistent URL.
No impact to users.  This allows for consistency in the automated health checks.


01856 - Eliminate DLMS 870s for TPFs

Module: ICP
What Changed:
For Customer Requisitions, an 870S Supply Status is no longer generated.

The Originating Problem:
The 870S Supply Status being generated by the Customer Requisition process, along with a DLMS 527D Prepositioned Materiel Receipt, sometimes creates duplicate orders for ASA(ALT). Army is requesting that they are no longer generated.

Customer Requisitions are no longer generating an 870S Supply Status.

Maintenance & Utilization

01809 - Work Order / Mass Work Order- PART 3

Module: Maintenance & Utilization
Related to: SCR 01809
What changed:
Remove the Work Order Reason validation/requirements on Add and update of a Word Order. 

The originating problem:
Users still need to update each Work Order Reason individually, which renders the Mass Work Order Assign ineffective.  

Validations should only be there for a Closed Status Work Order. For both single and mass update of WO. Front end and backend for Work Orders
Module: Maintenance & Utilization
What Changed:
This feature adds the Property Custodian field to the MAM record (on page 2 within the Summary panel) as well as to the MAM Advanced Search and Results Grid. This supports the ability to filter through the MAM Asset records using the PA Property Custodian, as users attempt to Mass Profile assets in Maintenance. 

The Originating Problem:
When the Maintenance Asset Master process was updated with Tech Refresh the UIC field, which existed in the old MAM, was never carried over into the new MAM. This limited the ability to filter MAM assets, which is primarily how many users filter through the results in order to Mass Profile.

All M&U Users

01836 - Maintenance Attribute Management / Stock Number Association Type (2023.2.1)

Module: Maintenance & Utilization
What Changed:
This feature enhances the Stock Number Maintenance Attributes process that was newly added to the Maintenance and Utilization Catalog Menu. The process enables the user to define specific field sets and associated functionality that should apply a specific stock number level rather than at the full program level. These specifications dictate the availability of specific fields within Maintenance Asset Master (MAM) and Work Order, and drives functionality related to those fields.   

The Originating Problem:
The DPAS diverse customer base results in DPAS having attribute requirements that do not apply to every DPAS customer's mission. To require every customer to managed attributes or functionality that does not apply to them results in unwanted and unnecessary overhead on the part of the customer.

Users that have access to the Stock Number catalog within M&U.