April 21
Effective Date: 2023-04-21

This release includes System Change Requests and corrects program deficiencies identified by the user community. Please review the feature and bug list below for a full listing of changes in this release.

System Changes


Maintenance & Utilization

Helpdesk Tickets / Bugs Fixed

Ticket Nbr Module Name
85233 ICP LPRMN01 - Requisition - A4/HAF - ICP Client RSA display limited
70887, 83801, 81262, 82056 Maintenance & Utilization WPMAN08 - Work Plan AUD - Work Plan Cannot Delete Work Plans: Error Work plan is associated with an active Maint Schedule (SQL)
85168 Maintenance & Utilization WPMAN10 - AvSE: Searching by Mfr Name in MAM Add process renders error
84656, 85222 Maintenance & Utilization WPMAN10 - MAM Unable to change Fuel Association when profiling assets
84859 Maintenance & Utilization WPMAN12 - VSCOS: WO closure with omitted Outgoing Meter Reading input reflecting '0' Sch Maint Last Util qty
84007 Maintenance & Utilization WPMAN12 Work Order AU - VSCOS: Generic 'inner exception' error thrown for WO in FFCS60 - Cannot Update Work Order - Parts Cancellation
83413, 85186 Maintenance & Utilization WPMAN46 - Autogenerated Work Orders are not populating in the Maintenance Schedule Panel
85206 Property Accountability WPCTN03 - Non-Actbl toggle greyed out in Catalog - MPN process
83235 Warehouse LPWHN50 - Disposition / Default the 'Details' panel to expanded on add
64156 Warehouse LPWHN50 - Disposition / In-Transit container/ability to add items to container midstream issue
84821 Warehouse LPWHN53 - Physical Inventory - Location IDs column display
79143, 82967, 84874 Warehouse LPWHQ32 - Individual/Unit Issue/Return Inquiry / Unit Issue Activity/Unit Issue report field showing UIC Name value vs 6-char UIC value

System Change Details



01633 - Implement SKO Catalog Program / SKO Header

Module: Catalog
What Changed:
SKO Catalog has been updated to Tech Refresh standards.

The Originating Problem:
SKO used old Legacy screens and functionality.

When the user adds or updates a SKO Catalog, new drawers open for Stock Number Add, a drawer to Add Components to the SKO Catalog (up to 10 at a time), and a Configure Section opens to add the rest of the data for the Stock Item. 
The same occurs for LIN/TAMCN. LIN/TAMCNs added to the kits display under the Stock Number column with a hyperlink on the LIN/TAMCN ID. From the hyperlink, the components of the LIN/TAMCN are displayed. The user can include, exclude, add, edit, or delete the LIN/TAMCN. 
There is also new functionality where the user can select one row or multiple rows in the components and move them up or down in the kit.

Maintenance & Utilization

01330 - Nuclear Indicator / Attributes and MAM (2023.2.2)

Module: Maintenance & Utilization
What Changed:
This feature provides the ability to designate specific stock numbers as Nuclear Certified, and then manage the Nuclear Certification for associated assets by marking them as Nuclear Restricted within MAM. 
The Originating Problem:
Prior to this feature, DPAS did not provide the capability to identify an asset as nuclear certified. Fleet analysts and technicians needed a simple, standard and repeatable solution to distinguish nuclear certified assets to properly manage, direct actions or perform maintenance.

Users must designate the need for the Nuclear Indicator on specific stock numbers in order for the functionality to display within MAM. 

01711 - M&U Corrosion Score and Coating Fields / Stock Number Maintenance Attributes and MAM (2023.2.2)

Module: Maintenance & Utilization
What Changed:
This feature provides the ability to designate specific stock numbers with Corrosion and then to manage them by marking assets with initial Corrosion values within MAM. 

The Originating Problem:
Prior to this feature, DPAS did not provide the capability to identify an asset with Corrosion values certified. Fleet analysts and technicians needed a simple, standard and repeatable solution to distinguish Corrosion assets and to properly manage, direct actions or perform maintenance.

Users must designate the values for Corrosion on specific stock numbers in order for the functionality to display within MAM. 

01784 - Update Maintenance Schedule 'Every X Days' and 'Every X Months' (2023.2.2)

Module: Maintenance & Utilization
What Changed:
Updated to allow up to four digits days i.e. (1-9999) and three digit months i.e. (1-999).

The Originating Problem:
Permit scheduling and documentation of Inspection and Schedules for Aviation Support Equipment with the number of Days and Months inspections with intervals greater than 999 days and 99 months.

The system now allows for inspections with greater intervals than before.

01809 - Owner/POC AUD

Module: Maintenance & Utilization
What Changed:
The Address process changed and is now called "Points of Contact" and a new type of address has been added for Maintenance Point of Contact. Once added, these POC's are associated to both a specific Maintenance Asset Master record as well as to specific Work Orders. 
For work orders that are associated to an asset that already has the Maintenance POC identified on the MAM, the Maintenance POC for the work order defaults to that person and allows for editing. Otherwise, the user is permitted to browse for a Maintenance POC to associate manually in Work Order. 
The Originating Problem:
The Customer POC fields in Work Order has always been an open text set of fields where the user can associate a POC for the work order. Since the POC info was not saved, the data had to be re-entered for every work order, regardless of whether it was the same people or not. This functionality standardizes and streamlines the Work Order customer POC functionality so the fields do not need to be addressed at all times.  

M&U Users who have access to the Master Data Address process as well as those who have access to Maintenance Asset Master and Work Order.