Effective Date: 2023-06-30
This release includes System Change Requests and corrects program deficiencies identified by the user community. Please review the feature and bug list below for a full listing of changes in this release.
System Changes
Maintenance & Utilization
- 01631 - Reimbursable, and Mission Critical Indicators - Work Order
- 01711 - M&U Corrosion Score and Coating Fields - Inquiries
- 01809 - Maintenance Asset Master - Asset Details Panel - Customer Information - Owner/POC Panel
- 01809 - Work Order - Sub Work Order - Customer Information - Owner/POC Panel
Property Accountability
- 00616 - External Systems Interface - Physical Inventory Spreadsheet Upload
- 01922 - Add AUIC to Agency PreDefined CFO
Helpdesk Tickets / Bugs Fixed
Ticket Nbr | Module | Details |
87868 | ICP | LPGLM41 - DLMS 947I - Inventory Adjustment: Correct the 947I processing and update ICP inventory for split serial numbers and UII CACI reports DPAS splitting the 947I transactions into separate inventory quantities for serial numbers/UIIs. Resolution: When sending in a 947I to change condition code on an asset that had both a serial number and a UII, two new assets were created; one with the serial number and one with the UII, both in the new condition code. The original asset in the original condition code remained in inventory, unchanged. This bug addresses that issue.
85236 | ICP | LPRMN01 - Requisition - USAF A4/HAF: Missing 'Date Shipped" data element for Requisitions in ICP Date Shipped field requested to be on the search page of Requisition. Resolution: A new column is added to the Requisition page in ICP to track the Date the materiel is shipped. This date is derived from the 856S that is sent at the time of the shipment.
88670 | Maintenance & Utilization | AvSE: Nuclear Administrator/Attribute Mgt role change request Nuclear Administrator role does not affect maintenance attributes page. Resolution: A Nuclear administrator role was added on the maintenance attribute management level rather just MAM. This means any user without the role can not assign the Nuclear attribute either on the maintenance program level or the stock number level.
89382 | Maintenance & Utilization | WPMAN10 - AvSE: Nuclear Restricted Reason Default Text The Nuclear Restricted Reason needs the default text. Resolution: The default text “Refer to the MNCL for a nuclear restriction information” was added to the Nuclear restriction field.
89418 | Maintenance & Utilization | WPMAN12 Work Order AU - AA-RRAD: Unable to print WO's without Asset ID's WO report not printing without an Asset ID. Resolution: Code was revised to allow users to print work orders without Asset IDs .
88135 | Maintenance & Utilization | WPMAN12 Work Order AU - Army/AA-TEAD: Point of Contact POC fields not editable- Functionality removed w/ TFS 114348 User unable to edit data Resolution: The Point of Contact Panel within the Work Order process is not editable after inputting in POC data. Users have the ability to edit the POC entered for the specific Work Order POC data.
89560 | Maintenance & Utilization | WPMAN12 Work Order AU - DLA: Full WO printing from Print drawer producing multiple unnecessary extra pages WO Report not accurate. Resolution: Code was revised to ensure additional/blank pages were removed.
77612 | Maintenance & Utilization | WPMAN12 Work Order AU - DLA: No Return to Search Criteria option after reviewing a selected WO result / Develop Functionality that lost w/ new UI There is no way to return to the previously entered Search Criteria. Resolution: Entered Search Criteria remains persistent no matter how users navigate back to the work order page during each session:
73225 | Maintenance & Utilization | WPMAN12 Work Order AU - User print preferences toggle settings not reflected in work order print drawer Work Order Report Preferences toggles not working. Resolution: Code revised in preferences and Work Order Print Drawer to ensure that they can be set either using preferences or using Change Preferences button in drawer. Also, ensures that what ever is set in preferences that the settings in print drawer matches.
86635 | Maintenance & Utilization | WPMAN12 Work Order AU - VSCOS: Whoops Cannot edit work order # 2022102000007, UIC FHX400 Whoops error message within Work Order process when attempting to edit. Resolution: The "Whoops" error will not populate for Users anymore as we have revised and made our code more efficient to resolve the issue Users were experiencing. The Work Order process is running more effectively without any outstanding "Whoops" error messages.
67156 | Maintenance & Utilization | WPMAQ10 Maintenance Asset Inquiry - VSCOS: Maint Asset Inquiry data not matching PA / M&U info for multiple UICs & MAs differing M&U/PA data Resolution: This resolves part number data not being updated in M&U when it is updated in PA for a bridged PA asset.
82709 | Warehouse | LPGLM34 - Warehouse Inventory Update - ICN Change Caused Multiple 947I Transaction When completing an ICN change for an asset, multiple 947I transactions were created. Resolution: When an ICN is changed, only one 947I is now generated.
84239 | Warehouse | LPWHN47 - Unit Returns / USMC CSP: Items Added to Unit Return not showing on Pending Return Items During a Unit Return, when we add a Stock Number to the Return it doesn’t show up on the “Pending” tab, however it will show up on the Receipt. This causes some double returns because CSR cannot see the ADD and adds the item again. Resolution: Modified the query behind pending return tab to display items that are added to the return but were not outstanding.
80105, 82057 | Warehouse | LPWHQ33 - Inventory Activity Inquiry / Warehouse name change caused loss of visibility of history Name change of warehouse causes loss of visibility of records with previous name. Resolution: Added tier keys to inventory activity table so name changes do not cause visibility loss
System Change Details
Maintenance & Utilization
01631 - Reimbursable, and Mission Critical Indicators - Work Order
Module: Maintenance & UtilizationWhat Changed:
This feature allows for the Reimbursable, and Mission Critical indicators that were added to a specific asset to be displayed within a work order and associated printed versions of the associated asset. These indicators display as read-only values for the awareness of maintenance technicians as they complete the work order.
The Originating Problem:
DPAS did not identify an asset as Reimbursable, or Mission Critical when opening a work order. Fleet analysts and technicians need a simple, standard and repeatable solution to distinguish reimbursable or mission critical assets to properly manage, direct actions or perform maintenance.
Users must designate the need for the Reimbursable, and/or Mission Critical Indicators on specific stock numbers in order for the functionality to display within MAM and to be displayed within Work Order.
01711 - M&U Corrosion Score and Coating Fields - Inquiries
Module: Maintenance & UtilizationWhat Changed:
Maintenance Asset Inquiry was changed to also include search & grid view fields for corrosion, nuclear and mission critical/reimbursable fields.
The Originating Problem:
Attribute related fields have been added to the MAM and Work Order screens, but said fields were not yet shown on the Maintenance Asset Inquiry.
The Maintenance Asset Inquiry now has additional fields.
01809 - Maintenance Asset Master - Asset Details Panel - Customer Information - Owner/POC Panel
Module: Maintenance & UtilizationWhat Changed:
When the new MAM process was created, it did not include the Owner/POC tab that existed on the old MAM. This tab in the Old MAM process displayed the information for the Custodian of the asset that was bridged over from PA. This feature adds this information back to the new MAM process, but also adds functionality to allow for a Maintenance POC to be defined.
The Originating Problem:
Prior to the tech refresh of MAM, it included the ability to view the Owner/POC information which was information that was bridged over from PA. This display was removed when MAM was tech refreshed. In addition, the owner POC information that was displayed often held very little value for Maintenance purposes because the person identified was the Asset Custodian on the Property Book rather than the person who would be interested in maintenance activities.
Maintenance Asset Master is updated to include the Owner/POC tab.
01809 - Work Order - Sub Work Order - Customer Information - Owner/POC Panel
Module: Maintenance & UtilizationWhat Changed:
Associate a POC from the master data screen to the maintenance asset master into the work order process to associated with a specific Asset ID. The POC is updated within the Work Order process if need be, making it convenient and user friendly.
The Originating Problem:
Providing a browse or place where POC data is applied into the Work Order process. Additionally, allowing the ability to associate a POC through the Maintenance Asset Master to a specific Asset Id.
Through the Master Data > Point of Contacts, the POC entered must have an Address Type of PC.
Property Accountability
00616 - External Systems Interface - Physical Inventory Spreadsheet Upload
Module: Property AccountabilityWhat Changed:
User selects from drop down for the physical inventory type: site, location, UIC, custodian, etc.
Create physical inventory headers based on selection.
The Originating Problem:
Needed to create the ability to import physical inventories.
Currently working with one client to get data imported.
01922 - Add AUIC to Agency PreDefined CFO
Module: Property AccountabilityWhat Changed:
Added the Actbl UIC field so it is easier for users to identify Actbl UIC assets.
The Originating Problem:
The current CFO Asset Detail Inquiry did not display the Actbl UIC column. The column is now added to the inquiry.
The CFO Asset Detail Inquiry includes the Accountable UIC field.
01849 - SKO Catalog Improvement / Real-Time Report - Stock Item Inventory
Module: WarehouseWhat Changed:
A real time report that shows Stock Item Inventory and Authorizations.
Report fields (ReportLayout.xlsx file):
- LP
- Region
- Site
- Warehouse
- Owning DoDAAC
- Warehouse Id
- Stock Nbr
- Item Desc
- Stock Item Cd
- Stock Item Cd Desc
- Mgmt Cd
- Mgmt Cd Desc
- SUoI Cd
- SUol Cd Desc
- Due-In Qty
- On-Hand Qty
- Issued Qty
- Total Qty
- Auth Qty
- O/U Auth Qty
- Req Qty
- O/U Req Qty
The Originating Problem:
Unable to view the Stock Item Auth and quantities in Warehouse.
The real-time Stock Item Inventory and Authorizations report is available.