August 11
Effective Date: 2023-08-11

This release includes System Change Requests and corrects program deficiencies identified by the user community. Please review the feature and bug list below for a full listing of changes in this release.

System Changes



Maintenance & Utilization

Property Accountability


Helpdesk Tickets / Bugs Fixed

Ticket Nbr Module Details
88331 Appt Scheduler LPWHN37 - Appointment AUD / Appointments can be scheduled beyond defined capacity (USMC 88331)
Clerks can schedule more appointments than the center has capacity.

Resolution: Corrected logic to correctly identify space available in a facility for appointment schedules.

91617 Maintenance & Utilization WPMAN12 - DLA: Intellisense selection method for Asset ID in work order not staying persistently populated
Intellisense selection method for Asset ID in work order not staying persistently populated.

The Asset ID field within the work order process is now populating by browse and manually entering into an Asset ID which then populating other corresponding fields. 
83410 Maintenance & Utilization WPMAN46 - Maintenance Schedule Browse Issue
Maintenance Schedule Browse pager is not working correctly.

Pagination was corrected to retain settings when the next page is selected.
70543 Maintenance & Utilization WPSEN01 - DLA: M&U Dashboard/certain Dispatch links do not include Asset ID and/or 1st/last Op/Tech name
Asset ID, Operator/Technicican are Unavailable as search parameters on All Dashboard Dispatch displays.

Additional Fields were added to Dispatch.
63114 Member Access LPSEN10 - Member Access / 'Reports' Not Presenting Issued Items for All Assigned UICs (USMC 63114)
Member Site is not displaying all of the outstanding unit accounts.

Resolution: Modified the member site reports logic to show all unit outstanding reports for which the member is an assigned custodian.

84850 Property Accountability WPHRQ14 - DSCA: DPAS Asset Extraction field lengths issue via Asset Inquiry
Inquiry is returning truncated data.

Increased the width of the DPAS columns to match the table column widths.  
91382 Warehouse LPAID30 - Physical Inventory / Requesting assistance with bringing back lost AIT counts in LOGSU-1 (NSWC 91382)
User is experiencing issues with the AIT Inventory process dropping counts that were input.

Identified root cause why inventory counts are being reset when user selects 'Count' to continue inventory. Resolved issue where the application is no longer detecting when counts exist and is clearing their inventory progress.

System Change Details



01905 - Apply updates to Accounting Microservice, Service Microservice and Help Desk Microservice

Module: Architecture
What Changed:
Existing services were updated to meet current development standards and incorporate new features.
The Originating Problem:
The services are behind in updates and need to be updated to current standards.
There is no impact to the user experience.


01762 - Provide support for multiple Customer Profiles

Module: Enterprise
What Changed:
Customer Profile has been re-designed so that users can have more than one Customer Profile for a single DoDAAC. Their Customer Profiles now exist within a collection that can be accessed and used by more than one ICP.

The Originating Problem:
Users requested the ability to create multiple Customer Profiles for one DoDAAC, so that they could leverage the default values of these profiles when creating Customer Requisitions, depending on the type of materiel.
All existing Customer Profiles are retained and updated to meet the newly implemented  business rules.

01905 - Upgrade Dpas.Contract Service

Module: Enterprise
Related to: SCR 01905
What Changed:
The Contract Service was updated.

The Originating Problem:
The Contract Service is behind in updates and needs to be made current.

No impact to the user should be observed.

01905 - Upgrade Dpas.Maintenance.Schedule Web/Service

Module: Enterprise
Related to: SCR 01905
What Changed:
The Maintenance Schedule Microservice was updated.

The Originating Problem:
The Maintenance Schedule Microservice is behind in updates and needs to be made current.

No impact to the user should be observed.

01924 - Tier Selector Enhancements (Initial Enhancements)

Module: Enterprise
What Changed:
The Tier selector page navigation is updated to include:
  • Go to First page arrow
  • Go to Previous page arrow
  • Go to Next page arrow
  • Go to Last page arrow
  • Items per Page dropdown selector
  • Page Item information in format xx-xx of xx items

The Originating Problem:
The Tier selector page navigation did not include page item information.

All DPAS Applications that use the Tier Selector are updated to include page item information.

Maintenance & Utilization

01631 - Nuclear, Reimbursable, and Mission Critical Indicators - Inquiry Columns

Module: Maintenance & Utilization
What Changed:
This feature allows for the Nuclear, Reimbursable, and Mission Critical indicators that were added to a specific asset to be displayed and searchable within pertinent Inquiries to include the Maintenance Asset Inquiry and Work Order Inquiry. 
The Originating Problem:
DPAS did not identify an asset as nuclear certified, reimbursable or mission critical when opening a work order. Fleet analysts and technicians need a simple, standard and repeatable solution to distinguish nuclear certified, reimbursable or mission critical assets to properly manage, direct actions or perform maintenance.

Users must designate the need for the Nuclear, Reimbursable, and/or Mission Critical Indicators on specific stock numbers in order for the functionality to display within MAM and to be displayed within Work Order. 

01809-Update LIMS-EV feed with updated MU fields for Corrosion, Nuclear and Maint POC

Module: Maintenance & Utilization
What Changed:
The following fields are being added to the LIMS-EV feed:
  • color_cd,
  • corrosion_level_cd,
  • lst_painted_dt,
  • primer_cd,
  • topcoat_cd,
  • mission_critical_flg,
  • reimbursable_flg,
  • refundable_flg
  • nuclear_restricted_flg,
  • lst_nuclear_restricted_flg_change_reason
The Originating Problem:
The LIMS-EV feed needed expanding to capture the new M&U fields.

No impact to the user should be observed.

01840-DPAS Generate Equipment Status Report AFTO Form 244

Module: Maintenance & Utilization
What Changed:
There is a new screen in M&U.

The Originating Problem:
We received an SCR to fulfill the needs of the Airforce group of the AFTO Form 244 Report.
It fulfills the Air Force group and others interested in using the DPAS M&U Form 244 Report. 

Property Accountability

01694 - NSWC Data WH Feed - WPHRi09 - create daily feed for maj cmd NSWC

Module: Property Accountability
What Changed:
There is a new daily feed for NSWC.

The Originating Problem:
NSWC needs a daily subset of the USSOCOM feed for their major command.

Impact: The new daily feed will be specific to the major command code, allowing USSOCOM and NSWC SPECWARCOM to have separate, more specific data feeds.  


01791 - QR Issue / Integration to Member Access

Module: Warehouse
What Changed:
Added 2 new common controls to the master code library.

The Originating Problem:
Components are needed to support the Member Selection of the Master Issue List for use within the QR Issue application. These have been developed as Common Components to facilitate other implementations within the Warehouse Management module that are not currently in the scope of this SCR.

No impact to the user should be observed.