December 15
Effective Date: 2023-12-15

This release includes System Change Requests and corrects program deficiencies identified by the user community. Please review the feature and bug list below for a full listing of changes in this release.

System Changes




Helpdesk Tickets / Bugs Fixed

Ticket Nbr Module Details
98700 Enterprise Data Fix Request / SAT RFID Interface/MCPIC request (CSP 98700)
A 400 Error returns for API Endpoint.

The External Endpoint no longer returns a 400 error.
99599 ICP ICP PA Requisition - 869C not generated when Cancellation Requested
The 869C does not generate when Cancellation is requested in Inventory Control Point/Property Accountability Requisition.

The 869c documents now generate correctly.
99916 ICP LPMMN21 - USAF A4/HAF: Requisition cancelation does not mandate Justification
The Requisition Cancellation does not require a Reason for Denial entry.

A 'Reason for Denial' is mandatory for denial text when denying a Requisition.
99661 Maintenance & Utilization WPMAN15 - M&U Dashboard - Change Not Profiled to Non FAST Rptbl Not Prof
The Dashboard Open Actions Asset/Federal Automotive Statistical Tool Reportable Not Profiled is not pulling up data.

This addresses the discrepancy between the count and the number of assets returned in the Open Dashboard to match what is available in the Maintenance Asset Master.
98766 Maintenance & Utilization WPMAN46 - AvSE: MX Schedule/Asset ID Discrepancy for New Orleans ANG
A discrepancy occurs between the Maintenance Schedule and Asset Identifier.

The Maintenance Schedule Asset is updated when the asset is updated from Property Accountability. 
95337 Warehouse LPWHN88 - Inspection AUD / Inspections tab showing type (c) inspections due when they're not (AFERMS 95337)
All Sets Kits Outfits inspections are not getting pulled into the Inspection page.

Logic is corrected to default to "all" when the inspection button is clicked, and no records are checked.
98994 Warehouse LPWHQ85 - Unit Issue Outstanding Items Inquiry / Due Date update on Unit Issues not reflecting on Outstanding Items Inquiry (CSP 62365)
The Due Date update on Unit Issues is not reflecting on the Outstanding Items Inquiry.

The Warehouse Management Module 05UC and Warehouse Management Module 05UA forms display the returnable item's selected Return Date under each Commodity Type. The field presents as 'Return Dt' instead of 'Estimated Return Dt'. 

System Change Details



01178 - Materiel Returns / Approval Group Data setup

Module: Database
01178 - Materiel Returns / User Interface
What Changed:
There is a new, enterprise level, approval structure to provide the necessary, configurable visibility to Materiel Return Request(s).

The Originating Problem:
DPAS needs to incorporate the request and management of a Materiel Return into the Property Accountability and Warehouse modules.

*** Not available in production until after the necessary roles are provided within the role request form(s).
This is only a portion of the project and provides the user experience and functionality necessary for the Materiel Returns Program.


01178 - Materiel Returns / Backend and User Interface for ICP

Module: Enterprise
What Changed:
The User Interface changes to support Materiel Management functionality of the Materiel Returns process.
Inventory Control Point users cannot create or edit requests. Users can only respond with guidance on the Disposition of Requested Assets.
The Originating Problem:
DPAS needs to incorporate the request and management of a Materiel Return into the Property Accountability and Warehouse modules.

*** Not available in production until after the necessary roles are provided within the role request form(s).
This is only a portion of the project and provides the user experience and functionality necessary for the Materiel Returns Program.

01178 - Materiel Returns / Backend Data Service(s)

Module: Enterprise
01178 - Materiel Returns / Backend Data Service(s)
What Changed:
Introduces Back-End Data Service endpoints to support the Materiel Return Program within DPAS.
The Originating Problem:
DPAS needs to incorporate the request and management of a Materiel Return into the Property Accountability and Warehouse modules.

*** Not available in production until after the necessary roles are provided, for the user interface, within the role request form(s).
This is only a portion of the project and provides the necessary support for Materiel Return Request(s).

01178 - Materiel Returns / User Interface

Module: Enterprise
What Changed:
There is a new User Interface to support a Materiel Return Program within DPAS.
Enterprise level functionality is available within Materiel Management, Property Accountability, and Warehouse.

The Originating Problem:
DPAS needs to incorporate the request and management of a Materiel Return into the Property Accountability and Warehouse modules.

*** Not available in production until after the necessary roles are provided within the role request form(s).
This is only a portion of the project and provides the user experience and functionality necessary for the Materiel Returns Program.


01974 - Allowable Special Characters / Commodity Type and Warehouse Name(s)

Module: Warehouse
What Changed:
Limited special characters are now supported within the Commodity Type (ampersand) and Warehouse Names (parenthesis).

The Originating Problem:
This change is made to support the Subordinate Warehouse functionality to provide more consistency and readability of the "Sub'd" Warehouses. 

The user is able to better establish naming conventions within their Warehouses.