January 26
Effective Date: 2024-01-26

This release includes System Change Requests and corrects program deficiencies identified by the user community. Please review the feature and bug list below for a full listing of changes in this release.

System Changes



Helpdesk Tickets / Bugs Fixed

Ticket Nbr Module Details
100282 ICP LPGLN11 - Customer Profile AUD - Email - DA-ASLT/PEO SOLDIER: Customer Profile 'PMR Required' toggle button greyed out
The Pre-Positioned Materiel Receipt (PMR) Required is disabled when users should be able to select it.

The Pre-Positioned Materiel Receipt Required switch works properly.
100902 ICP LPMCN01 - Inventory Control Point AUD - Allow ICP Name edit
The Inventory Control Point Add/Update/Delete processes need to allow updates to the Inventory Control Point Name at Realignment.

The user is able to edit the Inventory Control Point Name. 
101148 ICP LPRMN01 - Requisition - USAF A4/HAF: ICP: Local Due-in deleted before SOS confirmation
A Local Due-In is deleted before confirmation is sent from the Inventory Control Point.

The point at which the Property Accountability Due-Ins are deleted is changed to when the 870S is returned and indicates the cancellation is approved. 
101331 Maintenance & Utilization WPMAN06 - AvSE/High Priority: Equip Pool/POC Office field bug
The "Office" field is automatically equating to the "Activity Name" field.

On a newly added Point of Contact with an Equipment Pool Address Type, the Office field is not marked as required. When the Point of Contact is added to the newly added Equipment Pool, the Activity Name of the Equipment Pool is now populated with the Office field name from the Point of Contact. This is a result of system changes. 
96355 Maintenance & Utilization WPMAN10 - DLA: MAM forcing mandatory End Meter Reading entry after 23.3.6 release in new profiling configurations
The Maintenance Asset Master is forcing a mandatory End Meter Reading entry after the 23.3.6 release in the new Profiling Configurations.

The Utilization panel is reduced to Report Date, Utilization Measure Code, and Meter Reading when there is no previous Meter Reading entered for the asset.
95664 Maintenance & Utilization WPMAN12 Work Order AUD - VSCOS: Team Primary Tech, User Preferences, not coming into 2nd Sub WO
A manually added Work Order and the Team Primary Technician are not coming into a second Subordinate Work Order.

The Team Preference auto-populates for the second Subordinate Work Order.
101260 Warehouse LPWHN52 - Inventory Update Manager / WM attachment upload global process not allowing hyphens in filenames (NECC 101260)
Attachments with a hyphen included in the file name do not upload even though the hyphen is an allowed character.

The Attachments process now allows permitted special characters.

System Change Details



01178 - Materiel Return / Process Enhancements and Defects

Module: Enterprise
01178 - Materiel Returns Program
What Changed: 
The SAT reported bugs are addressed.
The full process functionality is completed to reach the 'Approved' status of the request.
The Originating Problem:
DPAS needs to incorporate the request and management of a Materiel Return into the Property Accountability and Warehouse modules.

The Critical SCR functionality is fully testable.


01855 - DPAS Sub-Warehouse / Implement the use of Shop Service Code in DLMS Transactions (ADC 1454)

Module: Warehouse
01855 - DPAS Sub-Warehouse / Implement the use of Shop Service Code in DLMS Transactions (ADC 1454)
What Changed:
The ADC 1454 is implemented across various Defense Logistics Management Standards transactions in DPAS to support the XN qualifier.

The Originating Problem:
New functionality is created to support the Subordinate Warehouse functionality within the DPAS Warehouse.

No impact to the user should be directly observed. The Defense Logistics Management Standards transactions should flow and route appropriately with the shared Department of Defense Activity Address Codes/Routing Identifying Codes and the unique Warehouse Identifiers.