May 17
Effective Date: 2024-05-17

This release includes System Change Requests and corrects program deficiencies identified by the user community. Please review the feature and bug list below for a full listing of changes in this release.

System Changes


Helpdesk Tickets / Bugs Fixed

Ticket Nbr Module Details
108211 Maintenance WPMAN51 - AvSE: Maintenance Attribute Manager error Issue
There is a Maintenance Attribute Manager error issue.

Users are now able to add a new attribute via Stock Number without errors.
106968 Materiel Management LPRMN01 - Requisition - NSWC: ICP Requisition / Unable to modify RIC TO for non NSN's
The Source of Supply (SOS) Routing Identifying Code (RIC) is not editable for Non- National Stock Number (NSN) Items.

The Source of Supply Routing Identifying Code (RIC) field in the Inventory Control Point (ICP) Requisition is now editable for Non-(National Stock Number) NSN Stock Items.
106152 Property Accountability LPSEQ09 - NSWC: PA tier selector off UIC inoperable when in User Access Inquiry process
The Property Accountability Tier Selector is off and the Unit Identification Code (UIC) is inoperable when in the User Access Inquiry process.

Users now have the ability to change Unit Identification Codes (UICs) in the User Profile Inquiry page.
105641 Warehouse LPWHN06 - Zone AUD Program / Warehouse Manager role/Zone process permissions request (NSWC 105641)
There is a Warehouse Manager role/Zone process permissions request (NSWC 105641).

Zone Add/Update/Delete (AUD) is added to the Warehouse Manager role.
104687 Warehouse LPWHQ86 - Maintenance Issue Inquiry / Details are not displayed in sub-grid as expected (VSCOS 104687)
Properly display the Maintenance Issue data on the inquiry.

The display of Maintenance Issue Details in the subgrid is corrected. 
106578 Warehouse LPWHR78 - Warehouse Activity Report / Serial Numbers Not Displaying Correctly (NSWC 106578)
Only one serial number shows up when multiple are sent.

The Warehouse Activity Report now shows a separate line item per serialized asset. 

System Change Details



01837 - Create TCTO Occurrence type for maint schedule

Module: Maintenance
What Changed:
  • There is a Time Compliance Technical Order (TCTO)/Service Bulletin subtype of one time inspection.
  • Compliance Date is added to Work Order.
  • Rescission Date, Issue Date, Due Date, and Extended Due Date are added to Maintenance Schedules and Asset Assignments.
  • There are TCTO specific sublabels for fields on the Maintenance Schedule.
  • TCTO/Service Bulletin Work Plan is now generated when the Maintenance Schedule is created.

The Originating Problem:
A lack of ability to ensure TCTOs are complied prior to using equipment causes risk to aircraft, equipment, and personnel.
A lack of specific TCTO field names is causing users to incorrectly input information into the wrong DPAS fields which makes traceability impossible for compliance tracking/monitoring.
There is now accurate tracking of TCTO completion and whether or not they are completed by the Compliance Date.