June 14
Effective Date: 2024-06-14

This release includes System Change Requests and corrects program deficiencies identified by the user community. Please review the feature and bug list below for a full listing of changes in this release.

Effective June 15th, 2025 - The Advana agency asset data feed was updated to run weekly on each Saturday from a monthly data feed. The Advana Universe of Transaction (UOT) data feed will continue to be provided monthly on the 1st of the month ending.

System Changes


Helpdesk Tickets / Bugs Fixed

Ticket Nbr Module Details
103856 Maintenance Data Fix Request / Duplicate mam records from transfer clean up (AF: SPT EQUIP 103856)
There is a data fix request and duplicate Maintenance Asset Master (MAM) records.

The duplicate Maintenance Asset Master (MAM) records are deleted. 
109488 Maintenance LPRMN01 - AvSE: M&U Requisition/ILS-S process completion issue
M&U Requisition/ILS-S process has completion issues.

When the ILS-S requisition status is Requested, a Document Number is displayed properly.
108061 Maintenance LPRMN01 - AvSE: Serial/ID Nbr field greyed out on Requisition Details screen
Serial/ID Number field is grayed out on the Requisition Details screen.

The Serial Number is editable and the Requisition is saved without errors.
104902 Maintenance WPMAQ10 - AvSE: NCE bug resulting from SCR 01631
NCE indicator was missing form the maint asset inquiry

For the Asset Details screen from a Maintenance Inquiry, there is now an indication the asset is Nuclear Certified Indicator (NCE).
108139 Materiel Management LPGLN11 - USSOCOM: Customer profile export bug/HTML only as option
The Customer profile export bug/HTML is only an option.

The duplicate file name was causing issues in the temp folder. It now handles duplicate names in a way that does not affect the user. 
109392, 109489, 109571 Property Accountability User getting job order nbr failed validation when trying to update the serial nbr on an asset.
Job Order Nbr failed' error in attempted Asset Update/serial nbr update

Underscores are accepted again for DAI Job Order Numbers.
108159 Property Accountability WPACI08 - Add GAFS-R Re-Eval Events
There is a request to add GAFS-R Re-Evaluation events.

Mapping for X830 in the AirForce is created for Re-Evaluation.
101149 Property Accountability WPAUR24R - USAF A4/HAF: Sub Stock Nbrs being omitted from FSM Auth Mgmt On-Hand Report
Subordinate Stock Numbers are being omitted from the Force Systems Management (FSM) Authorization (Auth) Management (Mgmt) On-Hand Report.

Filtering on any parameter that implies authorization (Auth ID, Platform, etc.) is done at the end of the procedure. This means unauthorized children are retained when such a filter is applied.
108094 Warehouse LPWHI05 - Master Data Repository Data Extract / Extract Document Data Issue (USMC CSP)
MDR Extract Document Data Issue

Extract was modified to correct the invalid records displayed as a result of a bad join on the project code.
107733 Warehouse LPWHN95 - Physical Inventory - Issued / Inventory Reconciliation Grid Scroll Functionality (NSWC 107733)
There is an Inventory Reconciliation Grid Scroll functionality issue.

The defect, causing the grid to automatically scroll to the top when records at the bottom of the grid are selected, is resolved.

System Change Details



02035 - Requisition / WarehouseChanged NServiceBus Event for SOS Changes

Module: Warehouse
What Changed:
A new event is added in the backend to track Warehouse field changes. There is no change to the UI or any user-facing functionality.

The Originating Problem:
Modules outside of Warehouse need a way of being notified when certain fields associated with that Warehouse are changed. 

There should be no impact to the user.