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DPAS Warehousing Release 1.0 was released on October 7, 2013. This is the initial release of DPAS’s Warehousing module. Its capabilities are designed to support a warehouse operation that maintains an inventory of items and provides for the issue/return of items to a Unit Identification Code (UIC) and/or Individual Member based upon a prescribed list of items contained in a Master Issue List. The Warehousing module provides for a four tier architecture: Logistics Program, Region, Site and Warehouse. The materiel is located at the Warehouse level. With a Warehouse, there can be one or more Facilities, Zones and Locations. The location where the materiel is located is either in a specific location or container. When in a container, the container has a location allowing for all of the materiel in the container to be moved by updating the location of the container. Please see the Warehouse Release 1.0.00 release notes for more detailed information.
A subsequent release planned for later in FY2014 will provide for Material Release Order (MRO) type issues.
DPAS v2.4.01 was released on October 7, 2013. This minor release contains 4 SCR's, 15 Remedy Tickets and 17 Bugs.
DPAS increased the Capital Asset Threshold limit to $250,000.00 for all Fund Type Codes for Type Asset Codes according to signed Memorandum “Elimination of Military Equipment Definition and Increase to Capitalization Thresholds for General Property, Plant and Equipment” on 20 September 2013. The application has been enhanced to include Passive Radio Frequency Identification (pRFID) Reader Capability (Phase II), Federal Automotive Statistical Tool (FAST) Interface and the DLA Transaction Service Interface for list of Department of Defense Address Activity Codes (DoDAACs). Modifications corrected outstanding problems or program code was redefined for Asset Management, Accounting, Authorizations, Catalog, Inventory, and M&U. Please see the Release 2.4.01 release notes for more detailed information.
The next scheduled release is Release 2.5.00; scheduled time-frame is early November 2013.
DPAS v2.4.00 was released on July 23, 2013. This release contains 9 SCR, 16 Remedy Tickets and 21 Bugs.
The release provides support for Phase I of the Information Technology (IT) Software License Management and Phase I of the Passive Radio Frequency Identification (pRFID) Antenna Reader Capability Enhancement. The application has been enhanced by adding MyAction to DPAS which provides a quick view of actionable items. Further updates were added to the Maintenance and Utilization module adding the Warehouse Initiative/CSP Interface. Other required interfaces were added to include; Enterprise Business Accountability System (EBAS) Accounting Interface and the XML Federal Automotive Statistical Tool (FAST) Interface to GSA Phase I, this interface enables DPAS to report vehicle assets in its inventory to GSA. Additional updates include; Add Attachment to Asset Management Inquiry in support of the Navy Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness (FIAR) efforts and improve audit readiness. A new Depreciation Forecast Report was added which will assist with improving financial reporting. This release also contains modifications to Asset Management, Accounting, Authorization, Catalog, Inventory and Maintenance and Utilization. Please see the Release 2.4.00 release notes for more detailed information.
The next scheduled release is Release 2.4.01 scheduled time-frame is late August.
DPAS will be unavailable beginning Friday, March 28th at 9pm EST due to system/server maintenance to be performed. Estimated downtime is stated to be about an hour in length - please plan accordingly.