Questions related to Stock Numbers, Manufacturer Part Numbers, Pending Catalog Transactions and Reference Publications.

How long can the Item Description be?

The Item Description can be up to 256 alpha/numeric characters.

Where can I indicate if an asset is durable, non-expendable or expendable?

When adding an stock number to the catalog you use the Accounting Required Code (ARC) to designate whether it is expendable, non-expendable or durable.

  1. Expendable (ARC = X) - property that is consumed in use, or that loses its identity in use
  2. Non-expendable (ARC = N) - personal property that is not consumed in use and that retains its original identity during the period of use
  3. Durable (ARC = D) - personal property not consumed in use and does not require Property Book Accountability
What is Type Designation?

Type Designation (Type Dsg) is only available for Military Equipment. When adding a stock number to the catalog this field is a drop-down list consisting of the lowest level asset classification consisting of the Mission/Design/Series, Type/Model/Series or Vessel Class of assigned to an asset. (e.g.  E-2C, F-14A, AH-1W, SSN 21)