DPAS SCR: 02101
- SCR Number
- Title
Document Control role for attachments on pending transactions
- DPAS Module
- Reporting Organization
- State
- History
- Description
Change Request:
Process Improvement
Description:Currently once an asset is in pending transfer or disposal the property record is frozen and the user is not able to attach any documentation to the property recordRecommended:
Create a new role that will allow for attachments to be uploaded while the property record in pending status ( ie. Receiving, Transfer, Dispositions)Mission Critical:
In order to track physical possession of an asset, the losing Logistics Readiness Squadron (LRS) requires signature to establish positive control of assets as they are moved to losing outbound cargo section or gaining LRS. The DAF requires signatures for acceptance of the property in transit.Benefits:
This meets FIAR compliance to ensure property Key Supporting Document (KSD)s are maintained and part of the property record from cradle to grave.Frequency:DailyUsers:All users FH-AFHAF Site-id