DPAS SCR: 02104

  • SCR Number
  • Title
    Incorporate "Mark For" capabilities within Materiel and Warehouse Mgmt. applications
  • DPAS Module
    Warehouse,Materiel Management
  • Reporting Organization
  • State
  • History
  • Description

    Change RequestProcess Improvement

    USMC requires the capability to enter a "Mark For" Address. Currently DPAS does not support the "Mark For". The proposed solution is to incorporate the entry/selection of a Mark For (RIC/DoDAAC/MAPAD/Text) within CR, DRO and RDO within Materiel Mgmt and within MRO within Warehouse Mgmt.
    1. Modify CR, DRO, RDO to allow for the entry of the "Mark For".  The "Mark For" will be transmitted to the RSA via the DLMS 940R.  
    2. The Warehouse Mgmt. application will inbound the DLMS 940R and include the Mark For" data in the MRO.  When present in the DLMS 940R, do not permit change by warehouse personnel.  When absent, allow warehouse personnel to enter a Mark For.
    3. Include the "Mark For" data in the Transshipment DLMS 940R request that is transmitted to the TMS for inclusion in the print of the Shipping Label.
    4. Incorporate the applicable "Mark For" data in the print of the DD Form 1348.  
    Mission Critical:
    Supports MIL-STD-129P
    Supports DLM 4000.25
    Supports DLMS 940R IC
    Provides all DPAS customers that utilize Materiel Mgmt., and MRO within Warehouse Mgmt. with the capability to utilize "Mark For".
    This change impacts all customers of Materiel Mgmt. and those users of the MRO within Warehouse Mgmt.