Who Should Attend:

This course is recommended for the Custodian who is responsible for management of DoD assets utilizing the Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS). It includes sessions on executing inquiries and generating forms and reports.

Class Times:

  • DPAS Custodian - 16 hours (0800 - 1600)
  • Check our Training Registration for upcoming course dates or Contact Us if you wish to host this course at your site.

Course Description:

The Custodian course includes instruction in using the Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS) to manage Government property and equipment assigned to an organization. The course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of the functionality and capabilities. It includes detailed instruction on how to create inquiries, view them, save the query and export the results for future use. The Report Viewer and generating forms and reports is also covered.

Please review the Roles Spreadsheet on Custodian (DPAS1070), Custodian with Inventory and Update (DPAS1073), Custodian with Inventory and Transfers (DPAS1074), Custodian with Inventory Rights (DPAS1075), Reports and Forms Generation (DPAS1140) and Data Inquiry (DPAS1130) roles to see what topics will be covered during this training.

In this class, you will learn:

    • how to perform disposition, update and transfer of assets
    • the functions and procedures on the inventory process
    • the inquiry, reports and forms processes in Web DPAS


  • General Computer Skills - be able to navigate in a Microsoft Windows environment
  • General Property Management Knowledge - have a fundamental understanding of property management principles
  • CAC (Common Access Card) - must be with you for each day of class

Program of Instruction:

  • Introduction to Web DPAS
  • MyDPAS
  • Asset Management
  • Inventory
  • AIT
  • Inquiries
  • Reports and Forms
  • Skill builders and practical exercises (throughout)

DPAS eLearning Online Preparation:

You must take the corresponding online course for your role in DPAS eLearning to receive a certificate and to gain access to the related functionality in DPAS.

You must pass each exam in the online course with a 77% or higher to receive certification for your Custodian training.