Who Should Attend:
This five day class is designed to cover the fundamental functions in DPAS WM including Unit Issue/Unit Return, Individual Issue/Return, Receiving, and Materiel Release Order. In this session, attendees will develop key skills using practice exercises in a safe environment.
Class Times:
- DPAS WM - 5 days (0830 - 1530)
- Check our Training Registration for upcoming course dates or Contact Us if you wish to host this course at your site.
Course Description:
The Warehouse Management course includes complete instruction in using the Defense Property Accountability System (DPAS) to manage Government materiel and equipment assigned through the warehouse module to an individual or unit. The course is designed to provide the student with an understanding of the Warehouse functionality and capabilities. A customized agenda can be created to meet specific needs. We also provide examples, worksheets and practical exercises to ensure understanding of the class material. Our trainer(s) will be available to answer questions and support the students.
In this class, you will learn:
- - most fundamental DPAS Warehouse Management principles
- - key skills in using DPAS for day-to-day Warehouse Management and Inventory processes
- - how to run Report and Inquiries
- General Computer Skills - be able to navigate in a Microsoft Windows environment
- General Warehouse Management Knowledge - have a fundamental understanding of warehouse management principles
- CAC (Common Access Card) - must be with you for each day of class
Program of Instruction:
- Walk-through of warehouse processes:
- Introduction to DPAS
- Warehouse Structure & Overview
- Catalog Management
- Warehouse/ Master Data Management
- Receiving
- Individual Issue
- Unit Issue
- SKO Catalog
- Quality Control
- Material Release Order
- Replenishment
- Warehouse Transfer
- Disposition
- Physical Inventory
- Reports and Inquiries
- Inventory Update Manager
- Skill builders and practical exercises (throughout)
Please see the Roles Spreadsheet on Warehouse Officer (DPAS9010) to view the full list of topics covered during this training.
DPAS eLearning Online Preparation:
We recommend you take the corresponding online course for your role in DPAS eLearning to receive a certificate and to gain access to the related functionality in DPAS.
You must pass each exam in the online course with a 77% or higher to receive certification for your training.