January 27
Effective Date: 2023-01-27

This release includes System Change Requests and corrects program deficiencies identified by the user community. Please review the feature and bug list below for a full listing of changes in this release.

System Changes





Helpdesk Tickets / Bugs Fixed

Ticket Nbr Module Name
79247 Force Systems Management WPFMQ02 - USAF A4/HAF: Requesting long term alt solution to new 5k result limit on FSM Auth Review Inquiry
80928 MU WPMAN09 - Work Plan Detail AUD - When adding a centralized/public TCTO Work plan, unable to use the magnifying glass under the Work Plan Detail to search for the Work Plan ID to add tasks/parts
77299 MU WPMAN10 - Option to search for assets by Certification/License is not available
79698 PA WPHRN29 - Asset Disposition - DLMS serial number error
77932 PA WPSAN25- WCUSS49 - Tunner / Halvorsen Work Order Report-VSCOS: Agency Pre-Defined Inquiry-Air Force Tunner Halvorsen Work Order Report output issue
78165 PA WPUTN34 - DA-ASLT/W6DPAA: Mass Appropriation batch job attempts failed
72911 Warehouse LCGLX47 - DPAS Admin Dashboard Mgr / Unit Issue/WM dashboard data population issue with Est Return Dt entry
49451 Warehouse LPGLN10 - Stock Item AUD / "Last Updated" not reflecting most recent transaction information when Replenishment info is changed
28984 Warehouse LPWHN43 - Warehouse Transfer AUD / Condition Code handling request for Warehouse Transfers
73620 Warehouse LPWHN77 - DLMS Transaction Inquiry - enterprise rollup changes
79713 Warehouse LPWHQ87 - Appointment Inquiry / Critical Error when using search criteria

System Change Details



01826 - Admin Module - Process to apply management code updates

Module: Admin
What Changed:
Management Code Updates are made directly through the system. Designated users are able to log into the admin module, select the targeted LP/Catalog to get a list of available stock, and apply the update to selected records. Any errors that are returned from the management code update procedures are communicated back to the user so the customers can be notified (ie. the existence of inventory, etc.)  
The Originating Problem:
Users needed to change the Management Codes on stock numbers. Many data fixes were needed for for these changes (Bulk to Serial / Serial to Bulk). DPAS would then log and run a data script request. 
Saves DPAS a large amount of time that was previously spent on these data fixes.


Module: MU
What Changed:
Adding Dispatch Category and Job Order Number as searchable values to the Advanced Search functionality in Maintenance Asset Master (MAM).

The Originating Problem:
New MAM enhancements removed Dispatch Category and Job Order Number from being searchable within the MAM process. A couple of users mentioned needing that ability back. 

Should enhance the searchability of MAM records generally for all users.

01809 - Work Order - Mass Edit - Mass Work Order/Sub Work Order Assignment - PART 1

Module: MU
What Changed:
A portion of the mass edit functionality is returned by providing the ability to assign numerous work orders to teams and Primary Techs, all within a single transaction. 

The Originating Problem:
When the Maintenance Asset Master process was updated, the legacy Mass Edit functionality, including the ability to mass assign, was lost.

Functionality is available for any user who has access to the Work Order process. 


01750 - Asset Inquiry Major Command

Module: PA
What Changed:
Added a dropdown for Major Command Code on the Inquiry > Asset Management > Asset  screen.  

The Originating Problem:
Currently the MAJCOM code is not a filter option on main Asset Inquiry screen, limiting the capability to view, sort, extract, and prioritize asset data for a specific MAJCOM field. Additionally the Asset Management Inquiry does not include I&S and "Related NSN" as part of the data pull.

Improves readiness reporting for the Department of the Air Force.


01855 - DPAS Sub-Warehouse / Warehouse Shop Code

Module: Warehouse
What Changed:
Added the warehouse_id field to the DPAS warehouse table to support the progressing sub-warehouse functionality. This value is present (empty) within the Warehouse AUD and is read-only.

The Originating Problem:
This change is in the initial technical requirements and supports the necessary DLMS modifications to support the sub-warehouse project.

The Warehouse Id field is present (empty and non-editable) on the Warehouse add/update/delete page.