Effective Date: 2025-02-07
This release includes System Change Requests and corrects program deficiencies identified by the user community. Please review the feature and bug list below for a full listing of changes in this release.
System Changes
Property Accountability
- 01159 - WPACR19 - Enhance Dates Reporting in the Agency CFO Accounting Statement Report.
- 01851 - PA Changes for Impounding - Inventory
- 01847 - Move Flag from Logistics Program to Warehouse Level
- 02087 - Add Purpose Code / Warehouse ICN Inquiry
Helpdesk Tickets / Bugs Fixed
Ticket Nbr | Module | Details |
119082, 118927 | Maintenance | (clean up script) WPMAN12 - VSCOS: 'Cannot read properties of null' error for WO 2024121600001 in FFL340 / 117 ACS LRS “Cannot read properties of null (reading 'id')” error for a Work Order. Resolution: Implementing internal coding to remove all Work Order Headers without Work Order Details.
119661 | Maintenance | WPMAN12 - work order timer reset not firing The Work Order session timer reset is not working correctly. Resolution: The session timer for staying within Work Order is fixed.
107991 | Maintenance | WPMAN46 - VSCOS: Maint Schedule not auto generating issue for FFF6W0/210 RHS ANG (void) The Maintenance Schedule is not auto generating an issue. Resolution: The issue with Schedules that have Voided Work Orders that have not created New Work Orders is fixed.
117577 | Maintenance | WPMAU0201F - VSCOS: GSA Fuel Upload error messaging correction There is a General Services Administration (GSA) Fuel Upload issue. Resolution: The resolution stops the 83 error from occurring and provides a Valid Date when an Asset Date Format is not correct on the file.
119476, 120695 | Property Accountability | LPAID30 - Physical Inventory / Counter not updating The Physical Inventory is not updating properly. Resolution: The Counter is now displaying an accurate count.
118254 | Property Accountability | User says agency defined field 3 for MDA is appearing incorrectly The Agency Defined Field is not appearing as expected. Resolution: The dropdown choices for Missile Defense Agency (MDA) are corrected.
121262 | Property Accountability | WPUTN23 - Attachment - Erroring and not showing attachments Asset Inquiry Attachment process is erroring and not showing attachments. Resolution: Asset Inquiry Attachment screen no longer displays "Image has been deleted" unless the attachment is removed.
117570 | Warehouse | LPWHN88 - Inspection AUD - Email - QA/QC Inspections Displaying Wrong Information The Quality Assurance (QA)/Quality Control (QC)/Inspections are displaying incorrect information. Resolution: Sets Kits Outfits (SKO) Components without inspections are no longer appearing on the grid.
117117 | Warehouse | LPWHQ97 - Inventory Adjustment Money Gain Loss Inquiry - Email - USMC CSP: Request for D8/9J stock number changes for the MVGL There is a need to capture additional transactions on the Money Value Gain Loss. Resolution: The 947I's carry the Document Identified Codes (DICs) D9J and D8J in both the Defense Logistics Management Standards (DLMS) transactions inquiry and the Money Value Gain Loss (MVGL) inquiry.
System Change Details
Property Accountability
01159 - WPACR19 - Enhance Dates Reporting in the Agency CFO Accounting Statement Report.
Module: Property Accountability
What Changed:
When the request type is "Agency Only," the Reporting Begin Date is updated to a Date Picker. The Reporting End Date dropdown shows each closing date going back two years, giving more flexibility to the reporting options.
The Major Command dropdown only displays when the request type Maj Cmd Only is selected.

The reporting options required more flexibility.
The enhancements to the Agency CFO Accounting Statement Report significantly improves the accuracy and usability of the report. By incorporating the "Begin Date" option, reports can now be generated for specific quarters or periods, avoiding the consolidation of multiple quarters' data.
Additionally, the visibility of the "Major Command Code" field is improved. This field and its label are hidden for the "Agency Only" report type, while being visible and editable for the "Agency/Maj Cmd" report type. This adjustment enhances clarity and ensures easy access and utilizes the necessary fields based on their report type selection.
01851 - PA Changes for Impounding - Inventory
Module: Property Accountability
What Changed:
Impounded Assets in Maintenance and Utilization (M&U) are largely not updateable by the Inventory process in Property Accountability (PA), and now correctly produce errors or notes. The only features available are inventory date, user and whether or not to include components.
The Originating Problem:
Assets that are under impound should not be not modified in the Property Book until they are released from impound.
If someone attempts to modify an impounded asset, it effectively locks down by the major asset processes until it is released (Inventory).
01847 - Move Flag from Logistics Program to Warehouse Level
Module: Warehouse
01847 - Move Flag from Logistics Program to Warehouse Level
Set Kit Outfits (SKO) configuration settings have moved from the Logistics Program Catalog Level down to the Warehouse Level.
There are times when there is a need to add additional items to a managed kit. Today, DPAS does not provide the capability to add additional items to a managed kit. The DPAS Kitting process should provide the capability to add additional items (items not listed in the SKO catalog) to a managed kit.
No impact is observable.
02087 - Add Purpose Code / Warehouse ICN Inquiry
Module: Warehouse
02087 - Add Purpose Code
What Changed:
The Purpose Code is added to the Search Criteria within the Inventory/Inventory Control Number (ICN) Inquiry. It is also added as an Optional Field within the Search Results grid.
The Purpose Code is added to the Search Criteria within the Inventory/Inventory Control Number (ICN) Inquiry. It is also added as an Optional Field within the Search Results grid.
The Originating Problem:
The Purpose Code was missing within DPAS.
Users can view ICN inventory by Project Code, along with any other available option within the Search Criteria.