March 24
Effective Date: 2023-03-24

This release includes System Change Requests and corrects program deficiencies identified by the user community. Please review the feature and bug list below for a full listing of changes in this release.

System Changes



Maintenance & Utilization

Property Accountability

Helpdesk Tickets / Bugs Fixed

Ticket Nbr Module Name
83091 Catalog WPCTN03 - FH-AFHAF: PA "A undefined error has occurred - please try again later." occurring in Mfr Part Nbr/Internal Stock Nbr Browse
81705 ICP AF CMP GFP: Requesting fix for suspended 945A transactions in CACI NSS
82919, 82923, 82899 Maintenance & Utilization WPMAN12 - VSCOS: Work Order/Service End Date error issues / Add backend validation
78359 Maintenance & Utilization WPUTN30 - Utilization AUD - Script fix to fix the ordinal numbers on asset utilization meters
83272 Property Accountability WPCTN03 - FH-AFHAF: PA Mfr Part Nbr record adds not saving/Save button not working
77405, 80728 Property Accountability WPHRN29 - Asset Disposition - User deleted bulk assets but they still show in active status
84569 Warehouse LPWHN32.1 - USAFA: Front CAC barcode scanning not working after 23.1.5 release
81608 Warehouse LPWHN94 - UII/pRFID Association / DA-ASLT/PEO M&S: Cannot add/update RFID when UII is assigned

System Change Details



01659 - Tech Refresh - SKO Landing Page

Module: Catalog
What changed:
SKO Catalog is now updated to Tech Refresh standards.

The originating problem:
SKO was using old Legacy screens and functionality.

There is a new Landing Page for SKO according to Tech Refresh standards. The other processes are going to follow in other releases, depending upon complexity.

01823 - webFLIS Interface - CAGE Master DB creation

Module: Catalog
What Changed:
The interface processes necessary to retrieve and manage the data are now provided.

The Originating Problem:
Importing the FPDW CAGE data interface needed to occur. 

The user can no longer add invalid CAGE numbers.


01862 - DLMS 832N ADC 1422 Changes

Module: ICP
What Changed:
The DLMS 832N Catalog Data transaction revision includes a new qualifier to identify the procurement instrument identifier (PIID), or contract number, which authorizes the contractor to perform work on behalf of the government.

The Originating Problem:
Previously, contractors faced the inability to transmit and receive authorizing contracts, a data element required by DoDI 500.64 section 4.6, via the 832N transactions. Contract associations were manually added after 832N transactions had processed. 

Implementation of this change to the 832N DLMS transaction ensures inventory accountability and accuracy in reporting the financial value of inventory held by the contractor.

Maintenance & Utilization

01836 - Maintenance Attribute Management / Program Association Type (2023.1.6)

Module: Maintenance & Utilization
What Changed:
This feature adds a new process to the Maintenance and Utilization Catalog Menu called Maintenance Attribute Management. The process enables the user to define specific field sets and associated functionality that applies across the entire Maintenance Program for every Stock Number associated to the subject program. Future enhancements further allows these field set/functionality specifications creation down at a specific Stock Number level rather than at the full Maintenance Program level. These specifications dictate availability of specific fields within Maintenance Asset Master (MAM) and Work Order, and drives functionality related to those fields. 

The Originating Problem:
The DPAS diverse customer base results in DPAS having attribute requirements that do not apply to every DPAS customer's mission. Requiring every customer to manage attributes and/or functionality that does not apply to them, results in unwanted and unnecessary overhead on the part of the customer.

Those with access to the Stock Number catalog within M&U now have access to the Maintenance Attribute Management.

01859 - Work Order / Last Maintenance Date Maintenance Schedule Updates (Complete)

Module: Maintenance & Utilization
What Changed:
Added controls to the Work Order header to identify the Maintenance Schedules that are updated once a Work Order is closed. The Maintenance Schedules are identified by the program level setting applied for the Maintenance Activity. In addition, it allows for the application of the Work Order calculated Last Maintenance Date to the originating maintenance schedule only, or to all applicable maintenance schedules. 

The Originating Problem:
In the past, there was no way to know within each Work Order which Maintenance Schedules would be updated by its closure. In addition, Last Maintenance Dates were applied by using the calculated Last Maintenance Date to all Maintenance Schedules that included any Work Plans completed within a Work Order. This method supports some customers, but for others it threw off the recurrence of numerous Maintenance Schedules and resulted in needed Work Orders not being generated. 

All users that use Maintenance Schedules to auto-generate work orders. 

Property Accountability

01628 - FH-AFHAF Ship To DODAAC

Module: Property Accountability
What Changed:
If the Prefer Ship To DoDAAC user preference is checked, the Ship To DoDAAC is used as the first 6 positions of the document number.

The Originating Problem:
When processing a Disposition or Transfer with the DAAS interface, the document number needs to change to reflect the gaining UICs DoDAAC. 

Allows processing transfers and dispositions in timely manner.